Tag Archive: Snake

  1. PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Jake(Before His Snake) VS Junk Yard Dog (Daddy Ritter)

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    Welcome to another episode of PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling classics. This week I am going back in time to a point further than I remember actually watching Stampede Wrestling on television as a kid. I don’t know if my fellow Calgary man G was watching the promotion as far back as what is seen in this classic video, but I don’t personally remember actually seeing a lot of Jake Roberts or Big Daddy Ritter competing in Stampede, so its a nice treat to watch them now. As we all know, both men would become very famous wrestlers in the WWF and in other promotions around the world. However, in this video we can clearly see that both men are still in the early stages of their careers, still learning how to “evolve” into the the big super stars that they would eventually become. Worth noting this time around is that Jake Roberts was the current Stampede North American Heavyweight champion while Daddy Ritter ( JYD for most of you) was the former North American champion making this a pretty big match in Stampede for the time. But there was something else on the line in this match that maked it even more special and more interesting for classic wrestling fans. The winner of the match would go on to face the legendary Harley Race, for the world championship title on a future card in a Stampede Wrestling event. It truly was a wonderful time in wrestlings past where world champions form the big organizations would sometimes come to places like Stampede and wrestle in special matches against local territorial champions. See you all on the next PatMan Picks, and why not check out Wonderpod Videogame podcast epsidoe 71 & Patman picks PC classics over at wonderpodonline.com!


    [youtube aD2Ub3npBfE]