BWF/Cheap-Heat Interview: Zema Ion
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Zema Ion as the X-Division Champion
Impact Wrestling star and former X-Division Champion Zema Ion recently took time out of his busy schedule to do an interview with BoredWrestlingFan’s ThinkSoJoE – on Joe’s birthday, no less! We learn the incredible story of how Zema’s mother met his father, escaping a Singapore sweat shop in the process. Zema tells us about his early days, training with the International Wrestling Cartel in Pennsylvania, changing the direction of that promotion in the process. We’re told the story of how he missed his chance to train in Japan, and the discipline it took to train in Mexico. Zema asks a fan question about the whereabouts of his afro, and talks about the bizarre comparisons to Carlito. We learn where the original name of Shiima Xion came from, and who can take responsibility for changing it to Zema Ion upon his arrival in TNA. We get Zema’s thoughts on the injury caused to Jesse Sorrenson, and an update on Sorrenson’s condition. Finally, Zema tells us what band he’d love to play for if he had decided to be a rock star instead of a professional wrestler.
Big thanks to Impact Wrestling and Zema Ion himself for their time!