Tag Archive: Southpaw

  1. Through a Haze of sickness…TNA Impact Review 8/30/12

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    Impact opens with the World Champion Austin Aries coming down to the ring with his hurt right arm. He hits the ring and talks up the injury and how it would have effected him if he had been right handed but he’s a southpaw and ready to fight the leader of the Ace’s and Eights. Hogan and Sting hit the stage and Hulk reasserts his presence as TNA GM. He says if Aces’ and Eights are ready for a bloodbath then they can have one tonight. The Ace’s and eights ominiously appear on screen and tell the three men that they do what they want when they want.

    Good Segment with Aries being dominant. And showing we have a fighting champion. Hogan coming back also helps set up the re-emergance of a power GM ready to make war on the faction. Best storyline all summer.

    ODB is in the back trying to contact EY about her fried chicken and thier relationship which will be through if he doesn’t call  her back.

    A stipulation has been added that the leader of the BFG Board will have his pick of opponent at the semi finals at No Surrender. So we have  the match between two of the final four in James STorm vs RVD,

    After a good match which turned a monkey flip into a Last Call super kick. Storm is the winner and remains leader. Christie Hemme interviews the Cowboy who is deadset on getting that championship.

    Madison Rayne comes out thinking she is getting a rematch with Brooke Tessmacher, when out comes ODB who crushes Rayne in seconds. Then Eric Young strolls in with a suit, sunglasses and ODB’s fried chicken and Beer. Ole D doesn’t recognize her man until he strips and she jumps into his arms.

    AJ talks up his match with Samoa Joe. Which then leads into the Gut Check judges evaluating Kris Lewie. Then segways into Daniels and Kaz walking in on Hulk Hogan and Sting who show no love to the World Tag Team CHampions of the World, telling them that they’re laying down the law.  The champs will fight and Hulk will tell them where and when.

    Samoa Joe and AJ have there match which is another example of good psychology and just a wonderful match that leads to a Samoa Joe win. Positioning him in the top four alongside Ray, Storm, RVD. And I was floored when that happened. TNA shocking the masses.

    Kurt Angle talks up his match with Hardy. And thankfully Kris Lewie was not considered for Gut check. And Joey Ryan makes his return throwing water at Al Snow causing everyone to restrain Snow. Joseph Park offers his legal services to Hulkster and the Stinger to investigate the Ace’s and Eights. Hulk agrees.

    Yes Joseph Park is back in the mix. Who is pulling the strings?

    Kurt Angle vs Jeff Hardy is a done well with Hardy going over after hitting the swanton for the win. Angle is out which leads to the final (five), James Storm, Rob Van Dam, Bully Ray, Jeff Hardy and Samoa Joe. Borash announces next week we will determine the final four excluding Storm since he is the Board Leader.

    Aries returned to the ring to get his match. The TNA locker room lead by Hulk Hogan followed for support. The Ace’s and Eight’s approach through the crowd. A big man representing the group steps in to challenge Aries. When Aries started to gain the upper hand the Group descended down on the ring only for the TNA roster to fight back. Just as Aries was going to reveal the big man’s face an unknown man dons a mask and flapjacks Aries unconscious. The show ends with The faces checking on Aries.

    Good way to end the show with the heels running the show.



  2. WWE Superstars

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    Hey everybody. Welcome to another catch-phrase filled review of WWE Superstars.  Ain’t no stoppin’ me now….

    Match number 1: the World’s Greatest Tag Team against the team that “spits in the face of people who don’t want to be cool,” Primo and Carlito.

    Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo,yo,…..yo,….yo,….yo,….YO!  During the match, Cryme Time makes an appearence to distract the WGTT.  Carlito hits a springboard flip into a backstabber.  The San Juan Southpaw gets the win for the Colons.  Now that’s cool.  This was a good tag match.  It looks like WWE is seemingly rebuilding the tag division.  This match gets a 8 out of 10

    Match number 2: The two time, two time All-American American Jack Thwagger against Finlay

    On his way to the ring, Swagger does his monkey walk.  I find it really weird.  His name may be Finlay and he may love to fight, but he got dominated in this one.  Swagger gets the win with his gutwrench powerbomb.  This short match gets a 5 out of 10.  It didn’t present enough for anything more. 

    The main event: The Champ is (not) here for this one.  John Cena against The Million Dollar Man……errrrrr…..I mean the Million Dollar Man’s son, Ted DiBiase.  Oh well….Everybody’s got a price and everybody’s gonna pay! 

    Word Life against the Priceless one.  This is definitely a future main event fued.  John Cena gets the win in this match with the STFU.   This match was decent for a Cena match.  The guy has gotten better and is no longer torture to watch in the ring.  This match gets a 7 out of 10.

    The show was ok.  The show was definitely not The Miz, so it was not awesome.  I am however, because that’s how I roll!  Peace out PEEPS!!!