Tag Archive: Stampede

  1. BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 81 – Matt Borne Tribute

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    Texas Wrestling Hall of Fame founder David Fuller and inductees James Beard and Black Bart join us via the phone lines to pay tribute to their fallen friend, “Maniac” Matt Borne.  Doc Knight of Original Stampede Wrestling drops in to say a few words as well.  The BWF Radio crew sit quietly at the learning tree as these legends of professional wrestling talk about the business and share Matt Borne stories.  Joe gives a recap of Traditional Championship Wrestling’s television show, Jorge gushes over the imminent arrival of the Wyatt Family, and the crew give a rare rave review to this week’s episode of IMPACT Wrestling.  In the news, find out who no longer is employed by TNA, hear why Daniel Bryan didn’t get in any trouble over yelling at Triple H, and why the Blackhawks may have gotten CM Punk in a bit of trouble with WWE management.  Plus, an update on the ROH World Title situation.  All this and much more on this week’s episode of BoredWrestlingFan Radio!  Tune in!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio episode 81 (MP3, 2:07:39)

    This week’s break song was Naïveté in Black by Black Sabbath.  Apparently, you can only buy this track at Best Buy.

  2. BoredWrestlingFan Radio episode 73


    Antonio Cesaro puts the W in WWE. Brock takes the W out of WWE.

    This week on BWF Radio, Doc Knight of Original Stampede Wrestling returns to BoredWrestlingFan to give us a status update on the promotion, and to answer some frequently asked questions regarding OSW, his health, and other topics as relates to Calgary pro wrestling and pro wrestling in general.  Jorge leaves early to see Iron Man 3, and Brian tells him it’s not that great.  Rytman wonders whether he’s tuned into a German porn video as things are constantly “shit on.”  In the news we hear about Paul London and Dolph Ziggler’s concussions, Jay Briscoe’s anti-gay twitter remarks, and Hulk Hogan’s lawsuits.  We also get a status update on Saturday Morning Slam.  Don’t miss the reaction when we find out that Michael Cole is going to climb Mt. Whitney with JBL.  All this, and much more!  Tune in!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 73 (MP3, 2:22:54)

    This week’s break song was “Sin and Bones” by Fozzy.  Buy it here.

  3. BWF Radio Episode 36: Special SummerSlam Edition!

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    Joe, G, and JT are joined this week by WrasslorMonkey from Wrestling With Text, Jonkind from Wonderpod Online, our very own Drowgoddess, and have audio sent in by “Professor Salmon and Zwan.”  This unique cast of characters spend the first hour giving their predictions and thoughts on tonight’s SummerSlam event from the WWE, and the second hour is spent, as usual, talking wrestling  news.  Topics of discussion this week include injuries to Yoshi Tatsu and Pope D’Angelo Dinero, reactions to Kevin Nash’s comments about Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit, A.W.’s continued ranting, JBL’s thoughts on wrestlers “stealing” moves, the Scooby Doo/WWE collaboration, Claire Lynch’s apparent TNA departure, and much, much more!

    You can find our guests for this week’s show elsewhere on the interwebs.  Jonkind is around on Wonderpod-Online, Wrasslor Monkey runs Wrestling With Text, Professor Salmon runs the music blog Music Times Two and works for Original Stampede Wrestling, and Zwan is behind Ailean Environmental Ltd.

    Download the podcast here:  BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 36 (MP3, 2:12:03)

    iTunes version

  4. PatMan Picks Stampede Classics. “Magnificent” Don Muraco & The British Bulldogs 3 Man Team!

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    Welcome to another episode of Stampede Wrestlings classic moments. This time around I bring you the Magnificent Don Muraco, who had only recently left the WWF and ventured to Calgary. The” Magnificent One” would find great success in the Stampede promotion. He won the Heavyweight Championship by defeating Mike Shaw( Bastian Booger, Norman The Lunatic) in late 1988. He would defend that title against all comers in the territory, only to drop the title against Davey Boy Smith about 5 months later in a series of great matches! Don Muraco’s Tag partners for this match were the legendary British Bulldogs, who had recently returned to their wrestling roots back to Calgary from a tour of Japan, after leaving the WWF. Their opponents for this match were The Cuban Commandos, the constantly cheating team that the Bulldogs had recently defeated for the Stampede tag team belts. Joining that veteran heel tag team was Makhan Singh, who Don Muraco was fighting with for the heavyweight title. Worth noting in this video is the use of the ” yellow cards” which the Stampede referees sometimes used to ” warn” wrestles before they were disqualified with a “red card”. Enjoy the match, its a ” ring – a ding-dong- dandy”!  I shall return with more classic wrestling action from Calgary next time!

    [youtube jAf5wxHuaY8]



  5. PatMan Picks Stampede Classics. Chris Benoit vs B.G Holliday

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    Welcome back to another classic encounter in Calgary’s rich past. This time around we will take a look at a young “cocky” wrestler by the name of B.G. Holliday as he takes on a young Chris Benoit. Holliday never became an international super star like Benoit did, he would never become multi time world champion in the major federations. However, he was a  talented grappler and had one important thing that many of the famous wrestler’s lacked in this promotion. He had absolutely great mic skills, he had the gift of gab. While legends such as Bret Hart, Chris Benoit & The Dynamite Kid may have been some of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time, most Stampede stars were not great on the microphone, especially early in their careers. And this is where  Holliday really shined. His mic skills, even at this early stage of his young wrestling career, were some of the best in the territory and he reminded me very much of Chris Jericho in both his wrestling and his mic skills. A cocky Jonathan Holliday quickly became “the man that fans loved to hate” in the territory. Interestingly, Holliday was involved in some of the “darker moments” of Stampedes history. This was a time when the promotions business side became less well run by its promoters and as a result wrestlers were leaving for bigger organizations with bigger wallets. There is a story that the Dynamite Kid, after returning from the WWF injured, broken and addicted to drugs,became  jealous of Holliday’s quick success in Calgary, wanted to run him out of town and bad mouth him in the industry. If this famous story was an exaggeration of real events I can not tell you, however there are great stories of a back ally fight in Calgary on electric avenue between the former British Bulldog and Holiday over drugs, jealousy, and pay days that needed to be settled. Other events are rumored to have taken place between the two, but as they are both unconfirmed and very illegal, I shall not get into them. Just realise that both men left Canada soon after, and it was not because they didn’t like the cold weather! Enjoy the match and I will return with another “ring- a ding-dong -dandy” next week!
    [youtube Ycz02-890V0]
  6. Patman Picks Stampede Classics. Stu Hart 80th B-day party. Scott Hall VS Owen Hart.

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    What is going on Wrestling fans? This time around Im going with a match that is both unique and special in the history of pro wrestling for 2 reasons.  For starters its a WWF title match taking place in Calgary, but its in an official Stampede Wrestling ring featuring one of Stampedes most popular wrestlers of all time. Thats pretty unique. Also, its the celebration of Stu Harts 80 Birthday, and as a consequence, wrestlers from around the world came to the event to both preform and also wish the legend a Happy 80th. This time around we will be enjoying Razor( Scott Hall) VS Owen Hart, for the intercontinental WWF championship. And this joint Stampede/WWF match is called of course by the legendary Ed Whalen, the voice of Stampede Wrestling for many decades. Worth noting at the beginning of the video Owen has a quick segment talking about his father, which is a very nice touch. Owen was playing the role of a heel at the time in the WWF. However, when in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, its pretty hard to have the crowd hate any former Stampede Wrestler as Vince McMahon would soon learn and capatialze on in the future with his Hart Foundation story-line. Also worth noting while watching the video is the top ring rope coming off and being quickly turned into a weapon. You will then notice a quick exit from the ring to draw the attention away from the rope being put back on. Finally worth noting is the “run in” by one of my least favorite wrestlers of all time. Here is a hint as to who he is ” I made a porn Movie with a Man/Woman and lived to tell about it”.  Also, if  these videos are getting your old school classic wrestling interests up, feel free to download our Stampede podcast .G and myself discuss all things Stampede wrestling including our run ins with the likes of Davey Boy Smith, Bad News Brown, Chris Benoit and Bret Hart when we were just kids!    http://wonderpodonline.com/?p=2533     See you all next time !

    [youtube -NviS1E0CF4]

  7. PatMan Picks Stampede Classics. Halloween special. Brian Pillman vs. Jason The Terrible !

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    Welcome back to another trip down Stampede Wrestling’ memory lane. This week I have a match specially picked out for Halloween viewing! First up its a young “Flying Brian Pillman”, who at this point in his career had only recently started training in the famous “dungeon” of the Hart family. Pillman would, of course, go on to the ECW and he would also later become tag champions with Steve Austin. Perhaps his biggest claim to fame was his WWF run as part of the Hart Foundation. Brian Pillman gained international success everywhere he went. Unfortunately, like so many other Stampede trained wrestlers, he was taken from this earth well before his time. His opponent was Jason The Terrible, a “supernatural” wrestling heel who’s character was based on the frightening Friday the 13th movie monster of the same name. Although intended to be an unstoppable heel, Jason would  ironically become a very popular  face in the Stampede promotion. No matter how hard promoters wanted this character to be an “evil heel” that the fans would fear and boo when he was in the ring,  Jason quickly became a fan favorite. In fact, the crowd soon started to love his horror character and bring in hockey masks of their own to show Jason! Fans started to cheer for the monster more than they did the faces that he wrestled against. In other words, Jason The Terrible would become one of the first  true “anti-heros” in the business and as Bruce Hart put it “was well on his way to wrestling stardom”. Jason even became tag partners with one of the terratories biggest faces of all time, Owen Hart. Unfortunately,  the original Jason The Terrible was involved in a car accident which injured the man behind the mask and put an end to his career. After the original Jason was forced to stop competing in Stampede, there have been other men who wrestled behind the Jason Mask in other territories, but it is THIS Jason that I will always be  fond of. Have a fun Halloween wrestling fans, and dont forget to check out www.wonderpodonline.com for more Patman picks and also wonderpod video game podcast episode 86 !

    [youtube 1vMDRtMCftE]