Our dear friend Doc Knight of Original Stampede Wrestling needs your help. As many of you know, Doc has been wheelchair bound for the last several months after suffering a back injury. Last Sunday, two teenage punks tackled Doc and robbed him of his rent money. While we’re glad to report that friends have helped Doc pay his rent, the two suspects are still out there, and Doc wants them caught, “so no one ever has to feel the horrible, useless way this left me feeling.” So here’s where you come in. Doc is selling some one-of-a-kind Hart Family memorabilia. The money taken in by the sale of these items will be split 50/50, with half going to charity, and the other half being used as a reward for the tip that leads to the arrest of these two young punks. The items for sale, and contact info for those interested, are below.
This. This is what happens when Joe actually prepares for a show. Disaster strikes. Jorge didn’t show up, and I accidentally leaned on something, which shut down the entire show for a few minutes, including our Ustream feed. But that’s not to say the show was a total loss. Joe, JT, G, and Mark discuss the TLC Pay-Per-View and get through the RAW recap before jumping into a discussion about all of the RAW guest hosts, and confusing Perez Hilton for Paris Hilton. After the break, Doc Knight of Original Stampede Wrestling joins us to talk about upcoming events, including tomorrow night’s super sold-out “Taco or No Taco” exhibition in Calgary. A brief bit of BWF Theatre leads us into the news, where we debate whether AJ’s outburst at Michelle Beadle was real or scripted, who’s staying home while Madison Rayne returns to Europe with the TNA roster, and get Jake Roberts’ thoughts on Bray Wyatt. Jimmy Hart talks WWE Legends House. G confirms whether or not you’re allowed to say a certain word in Canada. Find out why a Saudi Arabian journalist doesn’t want WWE or John Cena to come to his country. And what has Mistico been up to since Hunico started playing Sin Cara on RAW? All this and much more on a Christmas filled episode of BWF Radio!
“F*ck All This Christmas” by Stevie B. Buy it here!
“Hey Santa Claus” by Kevin Bloody Wilson. Buy it here!
“You Can’t Say C*nt In Canada” by Kevin Bloody Wilson. Buy it here! “Run, Rudolph, Run” by Lemmy Kilmister, Billy F. Gibbons, & Dave Grohl. Buy it here!
This summer, Bored Wrestling Fan had the opportunity to discuss the return of a Calgary, and international, professional wrestling staple, Stampede Wrestling. On a stormy August afternoon, Doc Knight and Bruce Hart spent time with ThinkSoJoE and G explaining the vision and mission of the newly dubbed, “Original Stampede Wrestling” (OSW). This is the real deal, folks. Accept no imitations.
The OSW has started up a fundraising project via Indiegogo.com, called “Return of the Ring.” Over the course of the next 116 days, the goal is to raise $150,000 in order to setup of facility for training and business operations and to build two new rings for training and shows.
But possibly even more amazing, is the goal to repair and refurbish THE RING. Not just any ring, this is the same ring that has been a part of Stampede Wrestling since the beginning. It has seen and spent time with countless wrestling talents from the days of the past to some of the stars of today. The “Ring of Dreams” is associated among those who trained with the legendary Stu Hart and his family in the world famous “Dungeon,” and possibly may continue to do so with your support.
You touch it and feel its power, as the thunder, the electricity, the pounding of its heart and soul… SCREAMING as it rushes in to you… “I will NOT let it end here, I will NOT die out here, I have stood the test of time, so Test me with yours! I will show you what I stand for”
The following video comes directly from the Indiegogo fundraising webpage.
[youtube dQb5t0hPy5w#!]
For even more information on the OSW Return of the Ring, including corporate sponsorship packages that include advertising incentives through out televised and new media content, as well as wrestling training packages, event tickets and more for individual sponsorships, check out the official fundraising page here.
The Fundraiser runs now through Wednesday, March 06 at 11:59PM PT.
Recently, the legendary Bruce Hart and the CEO/VP of Stampede Wrestling, Doc Knight, took time out of their busy schedule to speak with ThinkSoJoE and G of BoredWrestlingFan about the relaunch of the Original Stampede Wrestling. In the one hour interview, Bruce and Doc talk about the various promotions going around trying to use the Stampede name. Bruce tells us about working behind the scenes at the original Stampede, the innovations pioneered by the organization that were “borrowed” by others, how the lack of “grass roots” territories is effecting the wrestling business, the overabundance of gimmick matches, wrestlers who can’t work as Champions, how completely scripted matches effect the audience, and the lengths wrestlers would go through back in the day to maintain the mystique of professional wrestling as opposed to the near complete lack of mystique being maintained in public by today’s wrestlers. G asks about the late, great Ed Whalen, the original voice of Stampede Wrestling. Bruce and Doc talk about wanting the new Stampede to be a viable alternative to the WWE. Bruce discusses mistakes that are being made by promoters today, which leads to a mini-shoot on Brutus Beefcake. The duo talk about the desire to make sure their talent is properly trained, wanting to grow a new generation of talent, instead of “one dimensional stiffs,” having a reason or purpose for everything done in the ring, and the need for things to be done safely. Bruce ponders the absurdity of weapons randomly lying around under the ring. All this, and much more! Click below for the full interview.
The following is a repost of A Celebration of Professional Wrestling: Thank you!. We are about to kick things off again this year in celebration of WrestleMania 28, which occurs on April 1st, 2012… unless of course Vince McMahon is secretly planning on the biggest April Fool’s Day joke ever played on wrestling fans.
This post includes all of the content posted at both BoredWrestlingFan.com and Wonderpodonline.com for the week leading up to WrestleMania 27. Click below for all of last year’s content before we begin our online barrage of wrestling-themed content! (more…)
Twenty years ago today, on February 25th, 1992, Gene Kiniski’s final appearance in the ring occurred in Winnipeg, Canada for the West Four Wrestling Alliance (WFWA) promotion. Kiniski would perform in four matches on the card. The fourth, and final bout, was a three man tag team match with Kiniski’s partners being a young Chris Jericho and Lance Storm. Their opponents were “Bulldog” Bob Brown, “Champagne” Gerry Morrow, and The Natural. “The Natural” went on to be known as Don Callis (a.k.a. The Jackel and Cyrus).
I don’t know if six years ago constitutes a “classic,” per say. However, with the Superbowl being a week prior, it occurred to me that there has been an off-and-on again revival of Stampede Wrestling.
Today’s match took place on September 15, 2006 during the half time CFL matchup between the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and the Calgary Stampeders (the Rock’s former club). It is outside, under a veiled night sky… and because it’s Canada, it’s snowing/sleeting at negative three degrees Celsius.
Our bout for the North American Heavyweight Championship: Apocalypse {C} versus TJ Wilson (Tyson Kidd of WWE). While the footage is a little blurry (in part due to the weather), it’s an interesting watch. The two grapplers deal with the adverse ring conditions, trying not to slip on the icy canvas… and I don’t think I’ve ever seen an outdoor match anything like this. Enjoy!
Why “almost” you ask? This stems from the fact that the two involved indeed cut their teeth in the Hart Dungeon, but Stampede Wrestling was inactive at the time of this match.
On February 4th, 1994, Lionheart Chris Jericho would square off against Lance Storm in a ladder match for the Mid-Heavyweight title. (more…)
Its time again for more retro wrestling favorites from Calgary, Alberta, Canada! A few weeks ago I featured a 6 man tag team match featuring the British Bulldogs & Don Moraco. This time, we will take a look at a great match that took place only a few weeks prior to that event. The Stampede International Tag Team champions, the Cuban Commandos, had been fighting off the title hungry British Bulldogs for about a month, doing what ever it took to remain champions.This involved cheating, getting counted out , using foreign objects and being disqualified on numerous occasions. These matches drove the crowd absolutely nuts every time as Stampede fans anticipated their returning heros, and former world Tag Team Champions in the WWF, to win the titles with ease. They did not. These matches were all leading up to, of course, a match where the Commandos were confined to an event with no rules , no where to run and no way to win by cheating. A match inside a solid steel cage! Enjoy the match and I will return with more classic wrestling from the Stampede promotion. Check out more PatMan picks over at www.wonderpodonline.com and also check out our year end videogame podcast ! But, “In the mean time, and in-between time, that’s it. Another edition of Stampede Wrestling”!
Welcome back to another trip in the Stampede time machine, were we will yet again look back at some classic old school wrestling from some of the legends of the past. This time around , young Bret Hart who is very early in his career gets involved in yet another great inter promotional wrestling match that Stampede was famous for having from time to time. This time its not against any World Champion from one of the big American federations such as the AWA, but a match against an opponent from Japan named Animal Hamaguchi. Animal also went by the name Higo Hamaguchi and was a wrestler in many of the great Japanese wrestling promotions of the time such as Japan Pro, All-Japan and New Japan Wrestling. While most people know that Stampede Wrestling was broadcasting across Canada and also into the northern United States, the show was also syndicated in many other countries across the globe, including Japan. Heck, some middle eastern nations at this time did not have any WWF or NWA wrestling at all on their T.V., yet they were watching Stampede for years. This could help explain Bret’s ultra popularity over there. Worth noting this week is that this is actually a Japanese syndicated version of Stampede Wrestling, so its a pretty unique video to watch. Also worth noting are all the photographers at ringside. Check out www.wonderpodonline.com for more PatMan picks and for episode 90 of our Video Game Podcast! See you all next time!