BWF Radio 38
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Shamrock’s latest victim
Once again we’re back! ThinkSoJoE, JT, G of the Internet, and returning to BWF Radio, our special guest Wrasslor Monkey discuss this week in professional wrestling! Did Triple H retire on RAW? Did the Gut Check Challenge competitor get his contract on IMPACT? Did Damien Sandow avoid a physical confrontation with Sheamus? (Answer: No.) Who is this man in the picture on the right side of this article (It’s a woman that Ken Shamrock beat up)? What does Mark Out Man do outside of going to WWE shows? Why did Kofi Kingston want to be called “Joey?” The Cameron’s job death watch is on! Who will be a part of the new unauthorized ECW DVD? All this stuff and much more here on Bored Wrestling Fan Radio Episode 38! (You can find our guest co-host, Wrasslor Monkey, at Wrestling With Text).
Also, please stick around after the actual BWF Radio podcast and listen as Professor Salmon and Zwan bring us the Slam Jam!
BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 38 (MP3, 2:30:36)
Mark Out Man, as seen on RAW (also known as the Brock Lesnar Superfan) is on Twitter here.
The Video Game Project, Pro Wrestling X: Uprising on can be found here.
Finally, but not least, check out Al Creed’s latest 8-bit wrestling creation: