Tag Archive: Stone Cold Steve Austin Day

  1. Smackdown 03/16/12

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    Smackdown will save my week. It has too. I wasn’t thrilled about RAW nor Impact Wrestling (haven’t caught up on ROH yet). Obi-Wan will show up. It has to happen. I’ll complain about that stuff on BWF Radio #16 this Sunday. Until that time, let’s hit up Smackdown, shall we? Giver!

    Happy 3/16 Day! One for the marks!

    [youtube Gy7HM_PatIk]
    “You sit there, and you thump your Bible, and you say your prayers, and it didn’t get you anywhere… Talk about your Psalms, talk about your John 3:16 … Austin 3:16 says I just whooped your ass!”
