Tag Archive: Storylines

  1. Thoughts on Ring Of Honor-The Best in the World

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    Ring of Honor “The Best in the World” is in the books. I’m beginning to put my thoughts into words. I enjoyed all the video recaps. I needed those to keep myself up-to-date on the current storylines.

    When I heard the first match was Tommaso Ciampa vs. Colt Cabana, I almost died of smarkdom. I really enjoyed most of the first match. Ciampa played a nice “straight man” to Cabana’s comedy. I thought the two had very nice back-and-forth. The ending just didn’t look right.

    Next was “The Prodigy” Mike Bennett versus Jay Lethal. Jay Lethal was fresh off his TNA/Impact Wrestling/”It’s Still S*** No Matter How Many Times You Change The Name Because Vince Russo Still Works There” run. He was famous for the Black Machismo and it was his first time to appear on an event this big after the Macho Man’s untimely passing. The crowd was very into this, but the match did not click for me. Prodigy has looked good in matches to me before; this just was not one of them. It almost looked like he wasn’t on Lethal’s level.

    The Rhino-Homicide “Barrio Street Fight” was really good. Plunder matches have their places in wrestling. Rhino really brought it. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bad Homicide match. We had some tables and some really awesome, intense “OMG” moments. Homicide got the win, but we got to see the gore through the table. It was nostalgic. It was like Old School (no Corino reference intended) ECW Rhino back again.

    The Steve Corino-Michael Elgin match was really interesting. I did not watch ROH during the Kevin Steen era, so I really didn’t grasp the magnitude of his return. I was really amazed at how my opinion of Elgin changed during this match. Elgin reminds me of a stiff WWE would try to get over. But I got to admit-Elgin impressed me. He’s a power wrestler. If there’s a place for plunder matches, there’s a place for power wrestlers. Steve Corino sold like crazy, and Elgin looked like he had a spot in Ring of Honor. I personally think Elgin will be a better fit for the WWE, but I’ll keep him. The Kevin Steen post-match segment was greatness. The Corino rehabilitating himself storyline I think is one of my favorite storylines in all of wrestling.

    The Daniels-Generico match really didn’t grab my attention. The commentary was pretty good for this match. Kevin Kelly and Dave Prazak made it important. I do love the El Generico gimmick. It’s one of my favorite all-time gimmicks. My 2-year-old woke up during this match and wanted the laptop, so I wasn’t able to dedicate the time I wanted to watching this. I am happy for El Generico winning. Christopher Daniels should be in the place now where he’s building talent, which is exactly what he did here.

    The four corners tag team match was off the charts. Now granted, I haven’t seen every ROH event, so excuse me if I break out some hyperbole here. This is the greatest match in Ring of Honor I HAVE SEEN. I’m sure there were greater matches somewhere along the way. But this was insane. There were at least 4 “Holy s***” moments. The All Night Express looked great in this. I finally saw Kenny King for what everybody else does. This is most likely Match of the Year, barring some sweet miracle.

    And finally there was the main event. There was no possible way that I could ever understand all the emotions that went into this match, but it sure felt like it. This match never seemed to end, mostly because my wife was over my shoulder waiting for it to end. Nothing I could write here could ever capture the emotion, the drama, the work these guys put into this match. This is now in second place for match of the year for me.

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  2. Why Do YOU Watch Wrestling?


    Why do you watch professional wrestling? Is it the excitement of the crowd, the larger than life personalities of the performers or the tough, in-ring action which draws you back for more each week? Perhaps it’s the entertainment aspect of WWE which you like, with slick presentation and cartoon-like performers who both captivate and thrill you each and every week. Maybe you’re one of those fans who have turned your back on Vince McMahon’s promotion and prefer to get your mat-based kicks from divisions such as Ring of Honor, where the focus is on actual grappling and the matches themselves. Whatever the case, wrestling is unique in its ability to have such a diverse audience of fans – who each take their own opinions from the show.

    So many wrestling fans nowadays do nothing, NOTHING but whine about what’s presented to them on their TV screens. Be it WWE constantly pushing John Cena to the forefront, TNA with yet another series of brain-bending and confusing storylines or the whack production values of various independent leagues out there – it seems there’s a lot which grinds the gears of your average fan of wrestling. Much has been written (a lot of that by myself) regarding this and how truly irritating it can be to listen to fellow fans take no joy at all out of the product before them.

    Apparently, within wrestling fan circles, there’s a few distinct types of fan. There’s the “casual” fan who takes the show for what it is; entertainment, and overlooks plot holes and doesn’t care if the same few men remain in the main event scene. Infact, these happy-go-lucky types probably don’t even refer to the headliners as the “main event scene”. This writer would like to state right here and now that there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. Why so many other fans (and we’ll get to them, they also have their plus points), feel the need to look down on the “casuals” is really beyond me. Let them enjoy the show and take from it what they wish to take. Are they really doing any harm by just enjoying the show?

    Perhaps the most apparent ‘other’ type of fan group is referred to as the “smart” fan base. These folks usually seem to be those who are interested in what goes on behind the scenes at your typical wrestling show, whilst still being capable (for the most part) of suspending their disbelief and having fun whilst watching the show unfold. Of course, there are those who seem to take no pleasure from RAW, Smackdown, NXT, Superstars, iMPACT and the like. Why these guys and gals even bother watching is beyond me, although they are entitled to watch whatever they wish.

    In closing for this brief article, isn’t there room for both sets of fans in the wrestling kingdom?

    It’d be interesting to see what the readers and writers here at Bored Wrestling Fan.com think of pro wrestling in general and hear some of the reasons why you all keep watching. I’ve written at length in the past regarding my own reasons and will happily post up an old article of mine which explains why in great length. For now though, what do YOU think? Why do YOU watch?

    Please comment below or get in touch at jamiekennedy@live.com ! Take it home!

  3. iMPACT 12/16/10


    The title of tonight’s episode is “Head Games.” Ok, obviously there is psychological side of angles and storylines, but this title ALSO implies the punditry of Mr. Anderson’s concussion storyline. Because head trauma is funny. We get it… Credits and whatnot roll… I hope you’ve got your suffering boots on, friend. Because we trek through the mire and fens together as you read the experience of watching iMPACT with me…


  4. Smackdown 10/24/10


    Night of Champions fall out is the theme of the night… sort of. See, WWE has another PPV in two Sundays – Hell in a Cell. As a result, one could expect continuity of most storylines towards that event. Or so logic would lead one to believe… The suffrage commences now!

  5. ThinkSoJoE’s Thoughts 6/21/10

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    You know, I don’t think I caught an entire wrestling show at all in the past week, not counting last Monday’s RAW.  I had to work Tuesday so I left way before the end of NXT.  My band got our new t-shirts in on Thursday, so I missed a chunk of TNA.  I was dead tired on Friday, so I slept through most of SmackDown.  As for the PPV last night?  Same thing.

    I probably wouldn’t have ordered Fatal Four Way even if I was awake, but I’ve read the results over a few times and I do know one thing – unless Sheamus makes a huge impact on RAW tonight, neither he or Rey Mysterio will be getting much higher than 9th or 10th when I submit my rankings for this week’s Power Poll.  I realize the storylines going on in the main event picture on both shows, but how can you have two World Title matches end in a title change via outside interference in one night?  That’s my opinion, anyway, and we’ll find out if other wrestling writers (including our own G) agree with me on that one or not.

    CZW wrestler Michael “Trent Acid” Verdi was found dead in his Philadelphia home a few days ago.  It’s a very rare occasion that we talk about CZW here, and there’s probably a very good reason for that, but now is not the time for CZW bashing.  I’d seen Trent Acid perform several years ago as part of the Backseat Boys tag team along with Johnny Kashmere, and the kid was very talented.  It’s always sad to lose a member of our wrestling family, and this is no exception.

    Reports are that Batista is set to debut for Strikeforce in the near future.  At age 41, we’ll have to wait and see how well his body can withstand the abuse of being an MMA fighter.

    Lastly, I want to take the time to thank the hard working staff here at BoredWrestlingFan once again for the time and effort they put in to keeping this place running.  From our long running staff members Drowgoddess, JT, Legend Killer, and tharvey1, to our newest members AlyKat and G, we have the best writing team on all of the internet, and I truly believe that.  I’ll see you guys in a day or two with this weeks Power Poll rankings, but for now, stay tuned for AlyKat’s RAW review!

  6. WWE Superstars

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    Hey, everybody.  This week’s episode of Superstars was fairly entertaining.  It at least furthered some storylines.

    Match 1: Carlito vs Primo

    Throughout the match, Carlito looked really apprehensive about apply any offense to his brother.  The end of the match saw Carlito grab a mic and tell Primo to quit wasting his career and rejoin with him.  Now the Colon’s are back together as a tag team contender and this match has no ending.

    Match 2: Chavo Guerrero vs Chris Masters

    This was the typical Superstars match-up that we normally get.  Two guys that have no real direction and are thus thrown into a random match.  Masters gets the win with the Masterlock after countering the Three Amigos.

    Backstage Segment:

    Michelle McCool and Layla walk into Kelly Kelly’s locker room and tell her she stinks, then try to hold her down for Vickie Guerrero to spray her with deodorant.  Beth Phoenix and Tiffany walk in and break it up.

    Main Event:  Shad Gaspard vs JTG

    This match was a good Superstars main event because it was a rematch from the Extreme Rules PPV.  Shad gets the win with the STO after blocking a Shout Out.  This fued is dying out now, especially considering they put it on Superstars.  We shall have to wait and see where these two go after this.

    That’s it for this week.  Check back in again next week for another Superstars.