Tag Archive: Summerslam Event

  1. BWF Radio Episode 36: Special SummerSlam Edition!

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    Joe, G, and JT are joined this week by WrasslorMonkey from Wrestling With Text, Jonkind from Wonderpod Online, our very own Drowgoddess, and have audio sent in by “Professor Salmon and Zwan.”  This unique cast of characters spend the first hour giving their predictions and thoughts on tonight’s SummerSlam event from the WWE, and the second hour is spent, as usual, talking wrestling  news.  Topics of discussion this week include injuries to Yoshi Tatsu and Pope D’Angelo Dinero, reactions to Kevin Nash’s comments about Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit, A.W.’s continued ranting, JBL’s thoughts on wrestlers “stealing” moves, the Scooby Doo/WWE collaboration, Claire Lynch’s apparent TNA departure, and much, much more!

    You can find our guests for this week’s show elsewhere on the interwebs.  Jonkind is around on Wonderpod-Online, Wrasslor Monkey runs Wrestling With Text, Professor Salmon runs the music blog Music Times Two and works for Original Stampede Wrestling, and Zwan is behind Ailean Environmental Ltd.

    Download the podcast here:  BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 36 (MP3, 2:12:03)

    iTunes version