Tag Archive: Surprise Move

  1. ECW 10/20


    Welcome to my first review of ECW.  Lately I’ve been typing up a play-by play for the World Wrestling Insanity boards that usually has a few people checking it out, but doesn’t always get any responses.

    This is my first time posting a review on a site and I’m not familiar with how BoredWrestlingFan.com normally does things so I’ll be posting at the end and if that’s not okay someone can just inform me and I’ll do it later.  Also I’ve got an early work day tomorrow so later weeks may also be more detailed.

    I’m a big fan of the current ECW.  Everyone on it is booked well and even the unstoppable monsters aren’t so tough the faces have no chance about them.  I’d say my only complaints with the current product are The Abraham Washington Show and the William Regal’s role as leader of the Ruthless Roundtable frequently has him adopting an expression that’s just a little to psycho for my tastes.

    This week’s main storyline looks to be Zach Ryder’s continuing to turn face.  It’s a surprise move to me, but given the strength of Regal’s group there really could be only so many unaffiliated heels and Ryder just doesn’t fit.

    Unfortunately I’m missing the beginning because my satelite doesn’t want to cooperate.  For some reason Syfy is always one of the first channels I lose when there’s problems with cloud cover and the like. 

    For some reason SyFy is the only channel I can’t get.  And I can watch it in my living room, which is an HDTV.  Unfortunately my computer is in a different room.  So I’ll just give a less detailed recap at the end.

    Another very entertaining episode of ECW.  Striker and Matthews are a fun announce team.  I always enjoy the nicknames for wrestlers and little tidbits Striker throws out.  Today he channeled a bit of Bobby Heenan picking both Team Raw and Team Smackdown to win the Bragging Rights match.

    I missed most of the Ryder/Tatsu match.  Apparently my instincts on Ryder’s issues with Regal were off, but in the WWE heels don’t have long term issues with each other.  I just hope the WWE doesn;t shoot itself in the foot by doing something like turning Tatsu heel now that Christian has his wish and gets to defend against him.

    So the Unified tag championship finally make an appearence on ECW.  About time.  Still I don’t see how ECW ever could have a member on Team Smackdown.  Tiffany came off pretty flat though

    Shelton looked very good jumping in the ring to take on Sheamus and he got a very good reaction from the crowd.  I hope he introduces a new finisher now that he’s a face though.  Or at least one of his old ones.  Paydirt isn’t that impressive. 

    The really gave away the fact  that the “Hurricane” coming down the ramp wasn’t the Hurricane with him keeping his head down.  I’d glad Helms is moving a bit away from the Grim and Gritty superhero look.  And just let me say Katie Lea in skin tight pants is one of the nicest sites in wrestling

    Christian and Jericho had an extremely good match.  Color me shocked that Regal’s group didn’t attack.  They could have set things up to get him an eventual shot at the ECW title and Zeke and Kozlov  ready for a tag title match.

    See you next week, with a hopefully more detailed report.