Tag Archive: Taking Chances

  1. Wednesday Night Delight


    The time for mysterious notes are over.

    Have you ever wondered that your wrestling week, just doesnt seem complete? I mean, there’s RAW on Mondays, ECW Tuesdays, iMPACT Thursdays, Smackdown! Fridays, the new ROH show on Saturdays and a Pay-Per View on Sunday. Why is there nothing wrestling-related happening on Wednesdays? Well, here at BWF, things have changed. Your Wednesday night fix has arrived!

    BWF’s newest columnist is here to save those from complete and utter boredom, and to give you about ten minutes of 100% dribble, as I, ramble on, about the comings and goings, the world, not just in the wrestling business, but outside it as well.

    As you can tell, I’m not the best with intros, so let’s get right down to business.

    TNA Lockdown

    This PPV will have Sting and Mick Foley main eventing, with the TNA Championship on the line. Now, didnt Jeff Jarrett, say several weeks ago, that he wanted to push young, up and coming talent, and create new stars for TNA? Then why are two guys, who made names for themselves somewhere else, wrestling for the world title, instead of these “up and coming” stars you say you have? It’s about time, that you stop relying on known stars that will get you your 1.1 rating, and start taking chances on guys that havent received their shot.

    Danny Bonaduce vs Eric Young? Are you f*cking serious? Even though Eric Young sucks, he must’ve pissed Kurt Angle off real bad to get drawn this rubbish. I mean, come on, he’s wrestling a guy, who was a child star in the Partridge Family, and now, had a reality show about him, in which the only thing it was good for, was watching Joel McHale on E!’s ‘The Soup’, take the piss out of it each week. Bonaduce is washed up, why are TNA even bringing this guy in? Do they think that Danny Bonaduce = buyrates? I think not.

    Team 3D vs Beer Money Inc. The PPV is in Philly. ECW originated in Philly. Team 3D, just happened to be a big part of ECW back in the day, which means, that chances are, Team 3D will walk away with all the tag gold, except the Tag belts around the waists of MMG. Now, if I was booking this match, I would have Beer Money win. Here’s why. You want to push talent up the ranks? Who better than the best Tag Team in wrestling right now? Robert Roode and James Storm are the only reason I watch TNA. What a better way to push these guys up, than to have them beat Team 3D, in Team 3D’s own backyard? It wont happen, but it should happen.

    WWE Wrestlemania XXV

    Edge, Cena, Big Show. Apparently, all three of these guys, want a piece of the ugliest thing going around. Now I’ve dated some ugly broads in my time, but Vickie Guerrero, you are one ugly sumbitch. From how I see it, no matter which way you look at it, there isnt a winner in this match. Is the World Heavyweight Championship, really worth Vickie Guerrero in your bed?

    Triple H vs Randy Orton. Is there anything Triple H cant do before he gets jail time? Is there anything else that can be done to build up this match? The answer to both questions is no, and that’s sad really, because there is still two weeks of build up left.

    Undertaker and Shawn Michaels. The Streak vs Mr. Wrestlemania. Undertaker is 16-0 at Wrestlemania. Thats impressive to say the least. The New England Patriots were also 16-0. They won two more games before falling to the New York Giants. The Undertaker has beaten 17 different wrestlers going into Wrestlemania 25. Comparing the Patriots to the Undertaker, it seems that Undertaker will win at the Wrestlemania as well. But this time, the Undertaker doesnt have to face Nathan Jones and A-Train, or Giant Gonzalez, or Mark Henry. He faces Shawn Michaels. The same Shawn Michaels who lasted over an hour with Bret Hart at Wrestlemania XII, to win his first WWF Championship. The same Shawn Michaels who competed in the first ever Ladder match at Wrestlemania. The same Shawn Michaels, that no matter who his opponent is, always seems to have the best match, on a Wrestlemania card. Which leaves one question. Will Shawn Michaels be the New York Giants of the wrestling world? If the Undertaker cruicifies Marty Jannetty in the next two weeks, the answer is yes. Otherwise, I think Taker may stay undefeated.

    Legends of Wrestlemania

    This game is the latest installment of wrestling games by THQ, to celebrate 25 years of Wrestlemania. Does it live up to the hype? Maybe. I was in a games shop today, browsing around because I have some money to burn, and was listening to the two guys in this games store talk about LoW. Neither of them have played the game, but one didnt like what he heard. He was complaining about the game being ‘too arcadey’ for his liking. I tend to agree in this aspect, otherwise, I see little complaint. Sure, I’d like to see more Legends represented in the game than 42, but the addition of being able to import the wrestlers from SmackDown! vs RAW 2009 onto the game, makes up for that. Sure, pinfalls are a pain to kick out of, but if you are good enough at the game, you shouldnt be getting yourself in that position. This game doesnt have it all, but it gives those who love nostalgia the chance to have a blast from the past, and pit their favourite wrestlers of yesteryear against each other, or have dream matchups against the current day superstars. This game gets a 4 out of 5. Like I said, it could be improved in some places, but it’s easy to pick up controls, and the variety of wrestlers on the game, means a must for all wrestling fans.

    Albert Park roars in the twilight

    The Formula One season starts its 2009 in Melbourne, Australia at the Albert park street circuit this weekend, and for the first time in its history, it will be a twilight race, to ensure that European viewers can watch the race live, at a more convienent time for them. With new rules and guidelines, new drivers and teams, plus a later starting time, could make this version of the race, the most exciting race. Australian hopes lie with Mark Webber, who drives for Red Bull Racing. However, during the Mark Webber Challenge, held each year in Tasmania, Webber was struck by a four-wheel drive whilst on a mountain bike, and broke his leg. It hasnt affected his testing for Red Bull racing this year, but Webber says that is comfortable behind the wheel of his race car, and that the most trouble he has at the moment, is walking. For those, who may watch this race, look out for Ferrari’s pair of  Kimi Raikkonen from Finland, and Felipe Massa from Brazil, Briton Lewis Hamilton, who drives a McLaren Mercedes and Renault driver, Fernando Alonso of Spain, to be the front runners.

    Thats it for the first installment of Wednesday Night Delight.  Your weekly fix is now complete.