Tag Archive: Talents

  1. BoredWrestlingFan Radio episode 75

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    BoredWrestlingFan Radio live moves to Ustream with Episode 75.  Jorge is absent, leaving Joe, G, and JT to their own devices.  Wrestling television, including WWE Extreme Rules, is talked about.  That Damn Double C chimes in on some of the news via infiltration of our internal documents.  The Daily Show reveals why G’s SmackDown reviews are always so… entertaining.  In the news, we find out what Sunny was up to during her time in jail.  We find out if there really are any political aspirations for Kane.  We tell you where you can watch Bret Hart Appreciation night after RAW.  We tell you what happened when Jerry “The King” Lawler returned to the ring after his heart attack.  Who is Suicide?  Where are the released NXT talents?  How is The Rock?  All this and much more on BoredWrestlingFan Radio!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 75 (MP3, 1:57:34)

    This week’s break song is “Hard Rock Hallelujah” by Lordi.  Buy it here!

    Don’t want to wait for a podcast?  Catch BWF Radio LIVE every Sunday at 2PM Eastern on Ustream.

  2. BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 74

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    MAY 19TH!  What do you know about May 19th?!?

    Well, I know that it’s the date of WWE’s Extreme Rules pay-per view this year.  It’s also Mrs. ThinkSoJoE’s birthday.  And it’s also the day that Cleveland Browns TE Gary Barnidge re-joins us for another round of Pay Per View predictions!  Gary joins Joe, Jorge, G, and JT to give his picks for tonight’s Extreme Rules event.  We then try desperately to remember what happened on the lackluster 3-hour WWE App infomercial that aired on the USA Network Monday Night.  In the news, we get the latest on “crotch-gate,” the incident involving Austin Aries and Christie Hemme.  We hear which NXT talents were released from their contracts this week.  The WWE2K14 release date is announced.  We lament the temporary loss of WWE Saturday Morning Slam.  We send our well wishes out to former BWF Radio interviewee Zema Ion.  We make an announcement on where you can listen to BoredWrestlingFan Radio in the future (and please, stay tuned to BoredWrestlingFan.com for more details in the coming days).  All this, and much much more!  Tune in!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 74 (MP3, 2:09:32)

  3. Original Stampede Wrestling – “Return of the Ring” Fundraiser

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    This summer, Bored Wrestling Fan had the opportunity to discuss the return of a Calgary, and international, professional wrestling staple, Stampede Wrestling. On a stormy August afternoon, Doc Knight and Bruce Hart spent time with ThinkSoJoE and G explaining the vision and mission of the newly dubbed, “Original Stampede Wrestling” (OSW). This is the real deal, folks. Accept no imitations.

    The OSW has started up a fundraising project via Indiegogo.com, called “Return of the Ring.” Over the course of the next 116 days, the goal is to raise $150,000 in order to setup of facility for training and business operations and to build two new rings for training and shows.

    But possibly even more amazing, is the goal to repair and refurbish THE RING. Not just any ring, this is the same ring that has been a part of Stampede Wrestling since the beginning. It has seen and spent time with countless wrestling talents from the days of the past to some of the stars of today. The “Ring of Dreams” is associated among those who trained with the legendary Stu Hart and his family in the world famous “Dungeon,” and possibly may continue to do so with your support.

    You touch it and feel its power, as the thunder, the electricity, the pounding of its heart and soul… SCREAMING as it rushes in to you… “I will NOT let it end here, I will NOT die out here, I have stood the test of time, so Test me with yours! I will show you what I stand for”

    The following video comes directly from the Indiegogo fundraising webpage.

    [youtube dQb5t0hPy5w#!]

    For even more information on the OSW Return of the Ring, including corporate sponsorship packages that include advertising incentives through out televised and new media content, as well as wrestling training packages, event tickets and more for individual sponsorships, check out the official fundraising page here.

    The Fundraiser runs now through Wednesday, March 06 at 11:59PM PT.

    Check out Original Stampede Wrestling on facebook or at their official dot com.