Tag Archive: Technical Aspects

  1. PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics: Bad News Allen (Brown) vs Owen Hart.

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    Welcome to another episode of classic wrestling here at Wonderpodonline.com. As usual, we will travel back in time once again to our destination of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The home of Stampede Wrestling! This time its Owen Hart, the future WWF tag team champion, “slammy” award winner and the man destined to become the “king of Harts” in the WWF. His opponent in this match is a famous Stampede Wrestling veteran by the name of Bad news Allen. You will likely know Bad news Allen as Bad news Brown from his time wrestling in the WWF in some great matches, including Wrestlemainia moments against Owens very own brother, Bret Hart. This match showcases young Owens early talents in the ring as he spends much of the match dominating Allen in the technical aspects of pro wrestling. However, this match will also show off the toughness, experience and never die attitude of Bad News Allen that made him a star and a multi time champion both in Calgary and around the world.  Worth noting near the end of the video is the appearance of Owens greatest rival in Stampede Wrestling ,Makhan Singh, who was also known as Bastian Booger in the WWF ( I still feel so, so ,sorry for him about that terrible gimmick). Enjoy the fun, excitement and action of this match and I will return with another PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classic next week! In the mean time and in between time ,check out www.wonderpodonline.com for more PatMan picks PC classics and also wonderpod videogame podcast!

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