Tag Archive: Television Executives

  1. TNA iMPACT results 3/8/10


    I’ve finally gotten a copy of TNA iMPACT from last night.  Sadly, I could’ve gotten a copy of RAW 3 times over before getting this, so maybe next week I’ll cover TNA live and WWE afterward.  Before I begin though, I figured I’d share with you what I just experienced over on another wrestling website.  I actually just had two people try to tell me that WCW went out of business because Ted Turner decided to get out of the wrestling business, that WCW’s ratings were strong and still beating WWE’s when they went out of business, and that television executives didn’t have anything to do with Nitro and Thunder getting canned and the company going out of business.  Kids.  *Shakes head.*

    Anyways, let’s Cross The Line, shall we?
