BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 102
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This is exactly what Jorge will look like when he’s doing RWR tomorrow night.
This week, the crew discuss independent wrestling, as Joe and Jorge recount their experience at Empire State Wrestling’s “WrestleBash” event. Joe, Jorge, JT, G, and Mark are joined by Topher of ProWrestlingPowerhouse, and unexpectedly by Doc Knight and KATANA from Original Stampede Wrestling. We cover most of wrestling television from the week, discuss the lack of continuity in the Brie Bella/Daniel Bryan WWE television relationship, and ponder the absurdity that was the Michael Strahan/Titus O’Neil/Miz segment from RAW. In the news, are the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships really being unified? What did Matt Hardy think of RAW? Where is AJ Styles going next? And more importantly, how is The Dynamite Kid doing after his recent strokes? All these questions are answered to the best of our ability on BWF Radio! Tune in!
BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 102 (MP3, 2:37:22)
This week’s break song was “Underwhelmed” by Sloan. Buy it here!