ThinkSoJoE from here. It is my distinct honor to inform all of the great BoredWrestlingFan and readers that tomorrow morning, my BWF Radio co-host JT, Cassidy from Cheap-Heat, and myself will be conducting an interview with 11-time World Champion, 9 time Intercontinental Champion, and the frontman for the great heavy metal band Fozzy, the one and only Chris Jericho. To say that we have been greatly looking forward to this opportunity is an understatement. I’m proud to announce that this interview will be available tomorrow evening at all the usual places BWF Radio can be found!
Yeah, I know. Everybody is going to be talking about the CM Punk promo from last night. Any why shouldn’t we? I can count on my hand the number of times wrestling has gotten “real.” Montreal Screw Job was one. Bash at the Beach (Russo’s promo) was at best what we still think was one. Edge’s retirement promo was one. And last night on Raw was a real moment. Or at least we think it was.
It was reminiscent of Paddy Chayefsky’s “Network” (which if you have never seen, is one of the best movies of ALL TIME). Another scene it reminded me of was the opening scene on the short-lived show “Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip,” which had Judd Hirsch cutting a very Punk-like promo on the state of his television show.
Was it a work or a shoot? I still can’t decide. My Twitter timeline was filled with person after person calling this the greatest promo ever, the greatest moment in the history of Raw, CM Punk is a god, etc. Stone Cold Steve Austin called the promo one of the best he’s ever seen. My wife (who is usually asleep by 8:15 central time) was on the edge of her seat asking “What is going on?” She asked me to update her tomorrow morning. She made us go talk to my sister-in-law (who is temporarily living with us) to try to describe it to her. I LOST SLEEP thinking about this because I was so excited! Do you know the last time pro wrestling made me lose sleep?
I’ve watched wrestling since 1996. It’s hard for me to believe that anything that happens on WWE’s television isn’t a work. First of all, if Punk grabbed the mic and they didn’t want him to talk, it would have never turned on. And if he veered off the topic, he would have been cut off the moment he mentioned the fourth wall. Random stuff DOES NOT come on the WWE’s television. Second of all, notice that when he was cut off, he was talking about Vince McMahon. Now the only question is did Vince McMahon suspend Punk or did Mr. McMahon suspend Punk? Third, they mentioned New Japan and Ring of Honor and Colt Cabana. This is not the first time Ring of Honor has been mentioned on WWE TV (Matt Hardy, anyone?). And what money is the WWE going to lose by New Japan being mentioned? Notice he didn’t say anything about TNA? (And yes, I know. He was already there once and they didn’t know what to do with him. I doubt he will be going back there.)
Have we seen something new here? Is Triple-H (who we have heard is beginning to run things) trying something that will work? Did Trips give him the microphone and say “Shoot. I’ll cut you off when you start talking about Vince and Bullying”? For the first time in a LONG time, I am on the edge of my seat. Raw is must-see, can’t-miss. I have one million questions and reasons to turn into Raw. Whomever let this happen, I give you full credit. This is the best thing I’ve seen on Raw in a long time and possibly, ever.
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Hey guys, I was intending on doing the full blown RAW review today, but I was feeling a bit under the weather. I’ll have RAW and ECW thoughts on this weeks shows up sometime tomorrow morning.
Oh what a joyous day! Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. day, and it’s only fitting that tomorrow morning is the inauguration of the first black president in United States history, Barack Obama. I’m counting down the hours until Dubya is gone, but for our purposes today, that’s pretty irrelevant.
Today is also joyous for another reason – Mr. McMahon returns to Monday Night RAW! It’s fitting, perhaps, that the last time Mr. McMahon was on WWE television was also the last time I had to write a review of RAW the way I’m doing tonight – I’ll be writing most of it here at home, then finishing it once I get to work. For you early adopters of the BoredWrestlingFan brand of Sports Entertainment coverage, no, the power was never turned back on at my job – in fact, the place is now out of business. I started a new job doing exactly what I was doing before – sadly for less money.
Anyways, you’re not here to read about my life (I’ve got ThinkSoJoE’s Thoughts for that!), you’re here to read about Monday Night RAW! Fear not, loyal readers, the results are after the jump! (more…)
ECW will not be posted in Real-Time tonight, as I likely won’t be watching the program until tomorrow morning. We’ve also have a guest reviewer scheduled for tonight’s show, my good friend and “Triumvirate of TN-Awesomeness” bretheren over on the World Wrestling Insanity forums, JT!
I got caught up in another project last night, so I didn’t get a chance to record a Podcast for this week. Sorry folks – I’ll be back tomorrow morning with TNA iMPACT coverage.