Tag Archive: Uhaa

  1. Raw Is Hopefully Good 2-6-11

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    My wrestling world is going great. Raw has been good for 3 weeks in a row. I’m going to MPX live with my mother or wife, whoever wins. AIW is having a 4-way of Facade, ACH, Rickey Shane Page and Uhaa Nation AND Tim Donst vs. BJ Whitmer at Gauntlet for the Gold 7. Chikara is also starting to get their year going. I just discovered a site where I can get really cheap Japanese DVD’s. And Gregory Iron announced he was going to be part of the Super 8 tournament. I am in pro wrestling nirvana.

    Triple H begins the night be flashing back to 2002 where every Raw began with him in the ring wearing a suit. HHH really needs to stop channeling The Rock or Vince. He cannot hold a crowd the way they can. He cuts a certain type of promo really well. This wasn’t it. It was a pretty boring, way-too-long promo. Then he was interrupted by a really good Undertaker vignette.

    Big Show nearly sprinted out to the ring. Daniel Bryan brought out AJ, (Thank you.) who looks breath-takingly beautiful in a neck brace. Big Show and Daniel Bryan had a really good match. Then Big Show was going to hit AJ inadvertently and stopped just in time. Then Daniel Bryan took the mic and said Big Show was a horrible person. I really liked Daniel’s psycho persona.

    John Cena meets Carl Edwards. I could care less about NASCAR. This isn’t helping me not boo Cena.

    David Otunga still exists. He decides to pray for Johnny Ace’s return. So does Mrs. Ace. He Tebows. I kid you not. He Tebowed. Then Justin Roberts announces Otunga has a match. And his opponent is my pasty hero Sheamus. Sheamus made his chest redder than Otunga did. The highlight of the match was my wife pointing out Little Naitch Charles Robinson.

    Chris Jericho takes a mic. Nothing more need be said. Punk came out and said nothing, just held the belt. Perfect.

    Wade Barrett and Cody Rhodes. My wife laughed at how much better-looking Cody Rhodes is than the rest of his family and said Barrett needs to pin his ears back. Those two faced Great Khali & Randy Orton. The match was very predictable. Whatever.

    We get to watch this Cena s*** again? What better way to show the people how much we shouldn’t boo him than show Jared from Subway?

    Beth Phoenix is devious. That’s what I learned from the 1-minute Divas match.

    Then they showed THE SAME VIDEO PACKAGE from earlier with the Undertaker.

    The 6-pack challenge was good.

    This was a pretty mediocre Raw. Show-Bryan and 6 Pack were good. I also loved the first faceoff between Jericho and Punk. The rest was just fast-forward worthy.