I’m not ordering the PPV tonight, but I will be around to post results in the morning.  I recommend WorldWrestlingInsanity.com for real-time coverage.

My predictions for tonight’s card, after the jump!

TNA Championship Samoa Joe vs. Booker T in a six-sides-of-steel weapons match

I really can’t see Joe losing his title right now.  Sting will supposedly be in New Jersey for the event tonight, so that could play a factor, but I really really don’t think we’ll see Joe lose the belt no matter what happens.

TNA Tag Team Championship – LAX vs. Beer Money

After what happened to Homicide this past Thursday on iMPACT, and the fact that there are rumors going around that TNA want to split the team up, signs are pointing to Robert Roode and James Storm walking out of New Jersey with the TNA Tag Team Titles in tow.

TNA X Division Championship:  Petey Williams vs. Consequences Creed

Creed actually defeated the Champion a couple of weeks ago.  That said, I think Petey’s getting his win back tonight.  If this were a WWE show I’d say that he may not win but he’ll leave as Champion – but since it’s TNA, and their rule is that titles can change hands on disqualifications and count outs, I’m picking Petey to win.

Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles in a Last Man Standing match

AJ Styles is young, hungry, and talented.  He’s also pissed off at Kurt Angle and fired up for tonight’s match.  Kurt Angle is pissed at AJ Styles, but he’s old and beat up – while still being one of the best wrestlers alive.  I think AJ needs the win more, so I think that’s what we might see.

Team 3D vs. Christian Cage and Rhino in a New Jersey Street Fight

With Team 3D getting the best of Rhino and Christian in recent months, I think we’re going to see team Cage finally get one over on the former Dudley Boyz.  Glass tables may come into play tonight, and I’m willing to bet if their contract negotiations didn’t go very well, it’s going to be either Brother Ray or Brother Devon going through it.

Jay Lethal vs. Sonjay Dutt in a Black Tie Brawl and Chain match

I can’t see this feud ending yet.  As such, I also can’t see Black Machismo taking this one.  I think the former Playa from the Himalayas takes this one by pinfall, but has his tux ripped off after the match anyway.

The Beautiful People & Awesome Kong vs. Gail Kim, Taylor Wilde, & ODB

Somehow I think the faces will pull this one off.  If not, I’d imagine that Taylor Wilde will get the hell beaten out of her.  Whether Abyss comes around to save her again, we’ll have to wait and see.

Post by thinksojoe

The founder of BoredWrestlingFan.com and it’s parent company, Fropac Entertainment, ThinkSoJoE has been a wrestling fan since he first saw WWF television in 1986 at the age of four. His first wrestling memory was Hulk Hogan on Saturday Night’s Main Event talking about getting King Kong Bundy in a cage at WrestleMania 2. Sixteen years later, he met Hulk Hogan on the eve of WrestleMania X-8. On December 9, 2013, he legitimately won a Slammy Award (Best Crowd of the Year). ThinkSoJoE currently hosts the weekly BWF Radio podcast.

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