This should have been posted earlier, but there’s still time to be relevant. Every year at around this time, wrestling websites ask readers to post lists of what they, as wrestling fans, would ask Wrestling Santa Claus for as gifts. Bored Wrestling Fan is no different, and I now ask you to post away! Any and all companies, everything goes. Make your “wish lists” as long as you like. Here’s mine, in no particular order:

1. Knockouts title reign and major push for my Gothic Goddess, Daffney.

2. Face turn for AJ Styles.

3. Tag team title feud between Beer Money and the Motor City Machine Guns that lasts well into the spring.

4. A wood chipper with a faulty stop mechanism for Michelle McCool.

5. Ring of Honor tour stops down south, outside of Wrestlemania weekend.

6. An official parting of the ways of Hogan/Bischoff/Flair and TNA.

7. A tv show for SHIMMER.

8. A creative staff with a clue for TNA.

What do YOU want Wrestling Santa to bring you? Details, peeps, details!


  1. I think you already know that your first pick is certainly on my list. 🙂 As readers of the site will see some point in the future release of the SAY WHAT???, I'd also like to include my answer to the third question poised… but until then…

    I'm also wishing for another epic feud between Beer Money and the Motor City Machine Guns. I can't think of anything tag team related in the past year that holds a candle to the quality and entertainment that program provided.

    ROH on television in Canada as part of a larger cable channel package, thus available to more potential fans.

    On the WWE side of things, I want to see a CM Punk/Daniel Bryan/Evan Bourne/Kaval all able to wrestle each other regardless of why or how. Just make it happen.

    A speedy recovery for Captain Charisma, and at least a shot as an upper mid-carder.

    An annual Old School RAW

    One strong storyline to be built convincingly on route to WrestleMania. And, I want to see this begin in January (please revive me ASAP, as I hold my breath).

  2. 1. A reason to care about TNA.
    2. Stop making guys work hurt.
    3. A fucking BREAK for Tara; (as in Good fortune, not injury.)
    4. The return of the WWE light-heavyweight/crusierweight title. (I know, not happening.)
    5. A spotlight for Layla that DOESN'T involve McCool.

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