There will be no “Impact” Impressions this week due to author meltdown. Check the following links for show reviews. 


Hopefully, next week will be better and I’ll give you my own article. Sorry.

Peace out,



  1. Yeah. I was informed today that my contract will not be renewed, so I have to start looking for another job. The problem is that it's much harder to get a decent teaching job than most people think. I've had applications in with a dozen different districts within an hour's drive of my house, and last summer, I scored one interview. Current economic conditions don't help, and no one will hire a teacher for jobs outside of education because we "don't have the skills or experience" to do anything real. Like be the assistant manager of a Starbucks. I got turned down for that. Or work in a retail clothing store. I got turned down for that too. I still work for the rest of this school year, but I shall once again be spending my summer trying desperately to find a job, any job. It's not fun. I know that you and JT know the feeling.

    I just couldn't write much of a review today. Next week, I'll have one.

  2. Yeah. I was informed today that my contract will not be renewed, so I have to start looking for another job. The problem is that it's much harder to get a decent teaching job than most people think. I've had applications in with a dozen different districts within an hour's drive of my house, and last summer, I scored one interview. Current economic conditions don't help, and no one will hire a teacher for jobs outside of education because we "don't have the skills or experience" to do anything real. Like be the assistant manager of a Starbucks. I got turned down for that. Or work in a retail clothing store. I got turned down for that too. I still work for the rest of this school year, but I shall once again be spending my summer trying desperately to find a job, any job. It's not fun. I know that you and JT know the feeling.

    I just couldn't write much of a review today. Next week, I'll have one.

  3. Yeah – I was just looking for a job two months ago, it's terrible. I have a friend who went to school to be a librarian and he's got the problem of most places not hiring him because he's over qualified. The reason I know this guy is because for the last four years, he's been working in the hotel business with me because he can't find anything else. Well, he did find a job in customer service for Brightstar Cable, but he hated that job and wanted it to blow up. Now he's back working at hotels. Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that you lost your job, good luck in your search.

  4. Yeah – I was just looking for a job two months ago, it's terrible. I have a friend who went to school to be a librarian and he's got the problem of most places not hiring him because he's over qualified. The reason I know this guy is because for the last four years, he's been working in the hotel business with me because he can't find anything else. Well, he did find a job in customer service for Brightstar Cable, but he hated that job and wanted it to blow up. Now he's back working at hotels. Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that you lost your job, good luck in your search.

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