Posts written by G

  1. Smackdown 03/08/13

    Long week, and kind of a sad one. But no need to divulge in that crap, since Smackdown is on… and frankly, I’m tired and thereby, lazy. So grab some industrial sized springs, yeah those ones with the sharp ends. Jam them into the soles of your feet and proceed to turn them into your […]

  2. Smackdown 03/01/13. We’re Marching Through Georgia… (G-G-G-Georgia. I don’t give a damn where they are tonight, I love that Pavement song).

    Never underestimate The “Unseen Power Of The Picket Fence”. Alice of RWR knows what I’m talking about. So does J.T., Joe, and Jorge of BWF Radio. We’ll see you on Sunday for the podcast. Maybe even Alice will show up and make Jorge laugh? Until then, I decided to continue my streak of abusing my […]

  3. Smackdown 02/22/13: Wednesday Drivers!

    Obviously with Jack Swagger getting a DUI for smoking marijuana and driving erratically on Wednesday, the impact of said offense will not be reflected on tonight’s Smackdown. It will, however, leave one to speculate on whether this is the last time we see Jack Swagger and Zeb… potentially ever. So let’s all put on our […]

  4. Broken Pencils #2 (x-post).

    Broken Pencils Episode 2 Well after a long wait due to various trips, excursions and umm…jaunts, episode 2 of my Audio Wrestling Sitcom Podcast Radio Play Thingy (that’s the technical term) Broken Pencils is here for your enjoyment. It’s a wonderful process making these podcasts. The fact that I can write it, record it and […]

  5. Smackdown 01/25/13: Dat Rumble Go Away Show

    No need for some long drawn out intro to this review. This Sunday is the Royal Rumble, and everything of significance is well established. This episode should serve to do little else to maintain a holding pattern and replay all the build from previous episodes of RAW. But, hey, you never know. I might be […]

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