Posts written by G

  1. Original Stampede Wrestling – “Return of the Ring” Fundraiser

    This summer, Bored Wrestling Fan had the opportunity to discuss the return of a Calgary, and international, professional wrestling staple, Stampede Wrestling. On a stormy August afternoon, Doc Knight and Bruce Hart spent time with ThinkSoJoE and G explaining the vision and mission of the newly dubbed, “Original Stampede Wrestling” (OSW). This is the real […]

  2. Smackdown 11/06/12

    Smackdown on Tuesday? Hmm… WWE are you sure you want to do this? You want to go up against the US Presidential Election? You want to go up against the drop day release of Halo 4, one of the most anticipated video games of 2012? Will I even finish this review on Tuesday? All questions […]

  3. Smackdown 11/02/12

    Coming off a stinker of a PPV, the WWE has decided to try to salvage the product. In all fairness, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it would appear that almost every single member of the IWC is visually challenged. That’s the P.C. way to say fucking blind, right? Just kidding, most […]

  4. Smackdown 10/19/12

    Here we are, once again. Smackdown time. What type of show will we get with a kind-of-returning Jerry Lawler? Probably one involving a robot in the main event against a concussion victim? You guessed it, let’s hop to it shall we?

  5. Smackdown 10/12/12: MC Entire Drew

    Hey Meltzer! What did you think about Smackdown this week? Are you EVEN Dave Meltzer? As clear and concise as always… 🙂 Well, I guess I better figure out what happened myself. Figured I should use the two LOLZ I made this week for something other than making people smile on facebook, no? Hopping time!

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