Posts written by G

  1. Smackdown: 10/28/11

    It’s odd. Lately RAW has been pretty terrible. I enjoy parts, but overall, Smackdown has been delivering in ring more often that the so-called “A” show. It’s akin to the days of the “Smackdown Six,” and some how includes Mark Henry. Crazy, I know. But the guy is on top as a dominant heel champion, […]

  2. Smackdown 10/21/11

    The WWE has been plowing through their storylines since the summer… and not much will change tonight. As opposed to marketing one of the biggest gimmick matches in the traditions of Mexico’s wrestling scene, the WWE forgot to mention on RAW that they are having a mask vs mask match on Smackdown. At least they […]

  3. Smackdown 10/07/11: WWE Walk Out Fall Out.

    Last Monday night, the entire WWE roster (sans CM Punk, John Cena, Randy Orton and Sheamus) held a vote of confidence in HHH as the COO. The result? They all walked out on him, including the referees, announcers, and many of the technical crew. So how will this affect tonight’s episode of Smackdown? Will anyone […]

  4. Smackdown: 09/30/11

    What’s up? Looks like I am reviewing Smackdown for the foreseeable future, which is a nice change of scenery for me. Granted, I still tune into Impact Wrestling, at times one feels like they are writing the same thing week in and week out. So I we shuffle the deck at the BWF, the subsequent […]

  5. Smackdown: 09/23/11

    Since my DVR selectively chose not to record Impact last night, I opted to give Smackdown a chance. Did it record? I hope so, but you wouldn’t be reading this sentence if it did not. Probably the biggest story, or strongest, is that Mark Henry won the title from Orton last Sunday. It took him […]

  6. Impact Wrestling: 09/15/11.

    Hot off the heels of a terrible turrible pay-per-view, Impact Wrestling returns to the airwaves to torment and torture us all. A few notables to consider coming off of that show, is that Angle retained and Sting is not your new champion. This means the Hogan/Sting debacle that should occur at Bound For Glory will […]

  7. “CM Punk Is Not Impressed”

    What’s going on Wonderpod Online Dot Com Bored Wrestling Fan readers (I love both sites)? Well, that Punk, CM, is at it again. He’s entering into another one of those memes just like the one I brought to you a while back with his “Punking” antics, with the article entitled: “Punking” is naturally better than […]

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