Several years ago, I wrote a post where I revealed some rather odd search terms people had found our site using, and tried my best to figure out how it got them here.  As I’m working on really getting BoredWrestlingFan out there to more people, I noticed a few more odd searches.  Hit the jump and find out what’s been bringing people to the site, and my best guess as to how it got them here!



Ok.  There’s an interesting start.  Vickie Guerrero was the RAW General Manager at the time, so there are several references to her in this review of WWE’s flagship show.  As for the blow-up dolls, apparently John Cena was talking about what the people in the audience do on Sundays, and for one gentleman, that entailed waking up surrounded by bodily fluids, a reciept for two blow-up dolls (one missing), and posting embarassing photos to Twitter.

stephanie mcmahon piss out

WWE RAW 6/2/14: Payback for Payback?

I knew exactly what I would find when I searched for this myself – because I’m the one who wrote the article(s) it comes up with.  Earlier this year at WWE Payback, Stephanie McMahon wore a blue dress, and as she’s leaving the ring, there appears to be a wet spot on the back of it.  I referenced this in the next three RAW reviews, apparently, but this was the one immediately after the event in question.

wwe paige pussy photo

WWE RAW 4/7/14 – RAWstleMania!

Sorry, pervs, there’s no picture of Paige’s private parts on this page.  Hooray for alliteration!  On the always entertaining post-WrestleMania edition of RAW, NXT Diva Paige debuted and won the WWE Diva’s Championship from AJ Lee.  Later in the show, the fans chanted “pussy” at Jack Swagger, which I helpfully pointed out is short for pusillanimous, which means showing a lack of courage or determination, or timid.  You’re welcome.

nicole bass nude pics

What the fuck?  Still?  This was in that first article!

family sex scene

Power Poll for the Week Ending: 03/02/11

Ah, the Power Poll, where a bunch of guys who owned wrestling websites gave their top ten wrestlers of the week and somebody would tally up the votes and send the results.  It was fun while it lasted, I guess.  In any event, The Rock made the list on this particular week, and G used an animated GIF of The Rock on Family Guy making action figures have sex with each other.

peach fucks mario

Smackdown 03/08/13

In one of G’s irreverant SmackDown reviews, he points out that Lillian Garcia fucks up Fandango’s name (back when he wouldn’t wrestle if they didn’t get it right), and makes a Mario 64 reference at Yoshi Tatsu’s expense.  Peach, however, isn’t mentioned once in this article.

wwebod sex


RYTMAN referred to the WWE Board of Directors as simply the WWE BOD.  But much like Chris Rock’s Champagne Room, there is no sex in this board room.

miz fuck alex riley gay

GLAAD to See This

In 2011, I attended an episode of Monday Night RAW in Buffalo during the feud leading up to the Miz/John Cena match at WrestleMania XXVII.  During the event, Cena came out to the ring to confront The Miz and his then-apprentice Alex Riley, and he made several homophobic jokes at the duo, leading our dear friend Rich Flynn to write an article about it.  Rich’s article is easily the most popular one ever written on this site.  In the days to come, GLAAD would speak up about not only this incident, but others where Cena would question The Rock’s sexuality as well. This was relayed to our readers by Drowgoddess, re-opening a discussion on the subject in our comments.

Well.  That explains why those searches got people here (and inevitably more people now that the exact phrases are used in this article).  What it doesn’t explain is why people were searching for these things in the first place.  I guess we’ll never know.

Post by thinksojoe

The founder of and it’s parent company, Fropac Entertainment, ThinkSoJoE has been a wrestling fan since he first saw WWF television in 1986 at the age of four. His first wrestling memory was Hulk Hogan on Saturday Night’s Main Event talking about getting King Kong Bundy in a cage at WrestleMania 2. Sixteen years later, he met Hulk Hogan on the eve of WrestleMania X-8. On December 9, 2013, he legitimately won a Slammy Award (Best Crowd of the Year). ThinkSoJoE currently hosts the weekly BWF Radio podcast.

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