This week, technical difficulties plague BWF Radio as G and guest David Fuller are disconnected from Joe and Jorge in BWF Headquarters. David joins us to discuss inclusion in the esteemed Cauliflower Alley Club and running the Texas Wrestling Hall of Fame. David sticks around to join in on our WWE Payback pay-per-view predictions. In […]
The crew celebrate the site turning five the only way they know how – Cock talk! Joe, Jorge, JT, and G talk about the week in wrestling and are joined via the social stream on Ustream by Rytman and the returning mysterious Mavenfan. Raw is reviewed, Main Event is mentioned, Impact is investigated, and SmackDown […]
G fails to appear for the first half of the show, leaving the rest of the crew to wonder whether or not the 75 week appearance streak would end. JT fills in for him in his absence while we relive what happened on wrestling television this week. After the break song, picked by Jorge, G […]
BoredWrestlingFan Radio live moves to Ustream with Episode 75. Jorge is absent, leaving Joe, G, and JT to their own devices. Wrestling television, including WWE Extreme Rules, is talked about. That Damn Double C chimes in on some of the news via infiltration of our internal documents. The Daily Show reveals why G’s SmackDown reviews […]
It’s official. We’re moving. In an effort to make your central location for all things related to our site, including BWF Radio, we will be broadcasting the radio show live on Ustream as of this Sunday. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is the ability to play the live […]
MAY 19TH! What do you know about May 19th?!? Well, I know that it’s the date of WWE’s Extreme Rules pay-per view this year. It’s also Mrs. ThinkSoJoE’s birthday. And it’s also the day that Cleveland Browns TE Gary Barnidge re-joins us for another round of Pay Per View predictions! Gary joins Joe, Jorge, G, […]
This week on BWF Radio, Doc Knight of Original Stampede Wrestling returns to BoredWrestlingFan to give us a status update on the promotion, and to answer some frequently asked questions regarding OSW, his health, and other topics as relates to Calgary pro wrestling and pro wrestling in general. Jorge leaves early to see Iron Man 3, […]
It’s that time of the week again for the radio to tell you everything it knows. Joe, Jorge, G, and JT are joined by a pair of Brians this week – frequent guest Brian Muller, and occasional guest Mr. Brian DeVille. Mr. DeVille dropped in to promote ESW BrawlFest in Lockport, NY next Friday, featuring […]
Welcome to another edition of Cock Talk, or as RYTMAN likes to call it, “THINK ABOUT THE CONVERSATION YOU’RE HAVING RIGHT NOW!” Joe, Jorge, G, and JT are joined once again this week by Brian Muller. We talk about the NHL Playoffs, the NFL Draft, and of course, all of the great wrestling shows you’ll […]
This week, G’s ass has ripples and JT’s been pretty clogged, while Jorge laughs maniacally and Joe eats brains. Or something like that. Then we put the whole thing through Gizoogle, biatch. RAW recap, Main Event mania, and SmackDown synopsis, followed by some Iron Sheik goodness and the news! When will we see Punk again? […]