Category Archive: Other

  1. If you can read this…

    … Then we are LIVE on our new server.  We’ve had a lot of downtime issues with our previous hosting service recently, and we’ve decided to migrate.  During this transition, we may experience unforseen issues, so if you guys catch anything out of the ordinary around here, please let me know as soon as possible […]

  2. Survivor Series 2009 results

    Twitter’s @DCsPeoplesChamp is in the Verizon Center as I type this, and tweeting from the show.  I’m not watching, actually, but that’s because The Simpsons are on.  Why can’t these companies have their PPVs on a night when nothing else is on, like a Saturday?  Anyways, I digress…

  3. WWE Bragging Rights results

    This is going to be a quick post, since I haven’t actually seen most of the PPV.  We’re looking for somebody to cover the WWE Pay-Per-View events starting with Survivor Series next month, so if you’re interested, let us know on Twitter or Facebook or Myspace or wherever. Anyways… The Miz def. John Morrison RAW […]

  4. Captain Lou Albano passes at age 76

    We here at are saddened to hear of the passing of Captain Lou Albano. Lou’s feud with Cindy Lauper was a huge part of the growth of the World Wrestling Federation into a global organization in the early 1980’s, and over his career he’s managed over 50 wrestlers, two dozen of whom won championships. […]

  5. New look, new stuff!

    If you’ve been here before, you’ll probably have noticed that things look a little… different than before. That’s putting it mildly. Since June 9, 2008, Bored Wrestling Fan would greet first-time visitors with the WrestleMania logo inspired “BWF Classic” Theme. I started to get creative and came up with a total of six different themes […]

  6. Quick question for our readers

    Due to a recent change in the way our pages are served to you, our readers, the BWF Skins feature no longer works the way it should.  As such, I’ve decided to eliminate the feature from the site, but I’m left with seven different themes to choose from as the be-all, end-all BWF theme.  I […]

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