Category Archive: Other

  1. A quick Cyber Sunday observation

    This whole Diva costume contest got me thinking. Michelle McCool is an army sergeant -Tylene Buck (WCW’s Major Gunns) wants her gimmick back. Katie Lea is a vampire – Shelly Martinez wants her gimmick back. Lena is a Ninja – Savio Vega wants the Kwang gimmick back. Candice, singing badly as Marylin Monroe – Every […]

  2. Cyber Sunday Thoughts

    By JT Hey everybody.  Just wanted to chime in and give my two cents on Cyber Sunday.  Taking a look at the card here’s how it looks: 1. WWE Championship (WWE Universe chooses challenger) choices are:  a. Jeff Hardy b. Kozlov c. Both What I think should happen- I would like to see HHH take on both of them.  […]

  3. Unforgiven thoughts…

    Well, I’m not going to bore you with a results page (but if you must know, Matt Hardy, Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Michelle McCool, and in a surprising twist, Chris Jericho were your winners), I just wanted to get a few things off my chest about WWE Unforgiven 2008. First […]


    I’ll be around with full results of Unforgiven at some point tomorrow, but for now I just want to let everybody know that CM Punk was taken out before the World Heavyweight Championship Scramble Match by Randy Orton.  He was replaced with Chris Jericho, who picked up the winning pinfall on Kane to become the […]

  5. WWE Unforgiven Predictions

    Hello, folks!  I’m not planning on reviewing the PPV in real-time tonight (WorldWrestlingInsanity‘s Aaron Wood will have you covered in that regard),  though I will be trying to watch it.  Since I got all but one match right at Night of Champions a few months back, I thought I’d try my hand at tonight’s Unforgiven […]

  6. Killer Kowalski passes away at age 81 is saddened to hear of the passing of WWE Hall of Famer, Walter “Killer” Kowalski. Kowalski, who is a legend in the sport and has trained major names such as Chyna, Kaz, and of course, WWE Champion Triple H, passed away this morning after suffering a heart attack back on August 8th.  Kowalski refused […]

  7. BREAKING: Ric Flair leaves WWE

    Well, we reported a couple of days ago that Ric Flair appearances in Southern Ontario were postponed.  Guess we can go ahead and change that to “canceled,” as Ric Flair has parted ways with World Wrestling Entertainment. From “WWE and Hall of Famer Ric Flair have mutually agreed to contractually part ways. After an […]

  8. Hope you guys don’t mind…

    … but I’ve started putting ads up here on BWF.  I promise you guys this though – BoredWrestlingFan will never turn into one of those sites with so many damned ads that you can’t read the site without hitting the stop button at just the right time – I hate those as much as you […]

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