2K Games held a live stream earlier today showing off all of the new creation options in WWE 2K14, including the new “Superstar Heads” option. Check it out! Don’t forget, if you pre-order WWE 2K14, you get the exclusive Ultimate Warrior playable character bonus!
For the past few weeks, yours truly has been e-mailing back and forth with the publicist of a certain former World Champion. This morning, she got back to me with an official answer – and that’s not a bad thing, it’s a good thing! Get ready to feel the BANG! as Diamond Dallas Page will be […]
WWE Triple H: Thy Kingdom Come – Trailer You know what? It has been a whole few months since I’ve had the chance to watch and learn about a WWE superstar that I have grown up with. So then I hear about this new Triple H DVD coming out and I’m all like “Sweet! The […]
2K Games has posted the entire list of 45 matches in the new “30 Years of WrestleMania” mode for WWE 2K14 on their website. The full list is below, but be sure to check out the listing on 2K’s site for screenshots of each match!
[youtube hFkmOSM4zT0] Broken Pencils is secretly recorded audio of meetings held between members of WWE’s Creative Writing Staff. In this episode the team welcome a new member onboard by hitting on her and trial the new addition to the WWE App. Card Subject To Change. Written, Edited & Created by Lev Myskin (please visit Why […]
We are terribly saddened to hear of the passing of Matt Borne. We had the privilege of interviewing him last year, and it was certainly a memorable experience. I guess that Whoopee Cushion is going to have to wait until we meet again. Relive the interview.
Well here we are for this weeks edition of Main Event which this week happened on our very own G’s birthday, Happy Birthday G! So here’s what happened: