Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages… it’s time for a Celebration of Professional Wrestling. That’s right folks! The showcase of the immortals, WRESTLEMANIA, is just over a week away! In a conjoint assembly of marks, smarks, and fans alike, Bored Wrestling Fan and Wonderpod-Online staff have united to create a week long tribute to the art and performance that is professional wrestling. And while much of the content will be WWE related, this is not limited to the one promotion. It’s an acknowledgement to all federations and organizations, big or small.

Over the week, a variety of articles and podcasts will appear focusing on various topics. From the Hall of Fame to reviews of WrestleManias of the past. Old and defunct promotions such as Stampede Wrestling will get some mark love. There’s a rumor that even Survivor Man G has planned a special themed Wonderstolgia question beamed from parts unknown to the Wonderpod podcast crew next Friday!

Both website’s writers will express their devotion and appreciation of the biggest event of the year. This is why you and us love wrestling and what makes us tune into the big dance. Maybe there will be some animated gifs invading your web browser? There’s only one way to find out…

This takes me back… although we had no internet when I was their age. Also, we had to walk both ways to the ring uphill, in four feet of snow… even in the summer. 🙂

I’d like to take a moment to thank every single person involved in this project. It would not have been possible if not for the many writers between both websites to make this possible, as well as you, the much appreciated web-surfing reader! Make sure you check in each day at both websites for new content! And fret not fellow smarks, as all your regular articles and reviews will continue to appear as well. It’s gonna be a ring-a-ding-dong-dandy!

The Truth About Professional Wrestling – Ed Whalen

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