Not having internet access at home, nor a website to post at (as Project Wonderboy’s network is suspended for some reason and I am not the admin), I felt the need to invade in some capacity. I can’t write the usual format I do over at the “other brand” with my sufferage reviews without realtime access to the web, so here’s just some textual commentary… on TNA iMPACT October 21, 2010. Drow Goddess will break the card down for the site, I’m sure.

Me? I’m just going to editorialize a bit. And by editorialize, I mean ignorantly complain. Because I’m a smark. And of course… I am bored. Right? All of these comments were influenced by tonight’s episode of iMPACT:

I am not sure if I care at all about the RVD/Hardy/Anderson thing at this particular time. Odd, since the two not facing potential jail time are happy favorites of this here G. Hardy’s television promo wasn’t horrible. RVD’s paranoia a la Eric Bischoff’s claim was rushed throughout the broadcast, and into the bout with Sabu. Why did they do this? No one really knows, so this was an A-Typical episode of the show.

The Ric Flair getting “iced” by his “bro’s” was mildly funny the first time. This was not the first time. Damn, I’m an old bastard and even I know this is pop culture passe. I didn’t mind the second installment, don’t get me wrong. But it should not become on long term shtick.

Having gone to a live RAW this week, the iMPACT zone looks really small. It has not changed, I just find it interesting how noticible it was during Jarrett’s promo in the ring prior Samoa Joe attacking, etc.

“Katie Lee Burchill” of WWE fame appears in the dressing room mirror of Angelina Love. Her new moniker is “Winter” and she is all bug eyed and socially awkward… waiting so long to meet her…. MAGIC! I hope this culminates into Love speaking Winter’s name into the mirror three times and she appears in sadistic Candyman-esque horror! Just in time for Halloween. That would be just oodles of fun! Face-palm. Is she going to be fucking Snuffaluffagus or something like that?

Mike Tenay’s facial expression while he cursed out Jarrett has achieved level 32 goblin status. + 3 chance to cause fear in humanoids, – 3 attractiveness, blood pressure rise bonus added, +2 HP, NEW ABILITY: Summon Don West’s Monotone Yelling Attack (area iMPACT).

CM Punk would have lots of great straight edge kayfabe heat with TNA folks, huh? RVD, Sabu, Kendrick, Hardy, Beer Money, and so forth. Speaking of which, RVD/Sabu vs Beer Money was a fun bout tonight.

The main event was what it was. Too many things going on at once…

I also watched TNA: Reaction. I enjoyed it somehow. But I don’t know if this show is supposed to be kayfabe or not. And I don’t think the people producing this television program know either. If you are going to overrun your kayfabe program into this show, it would seem smart to figure out exactly what “Reaction” is… huh?

TNA’s logo comes up, and I’m out… Theoretically.


  1. "Mike Tenay’s facial expression while he cursed out Jarrett has achieved level 32 goblin status. + 3 chance to cause fear in humanoids, – 3 attractiveness, blood pressure rise bonus added, +2 HP, NEW ABILITY: Summon Don West’s Monotone Yelling Attack (area iMPACT)."


    That was the greatest thing in the history of things! Oh, grilled cheesus, I choked up my tea on that one. You win, G. You win.

    I'll have my write-up posted tomorrow. Cheers!

  2. Thanks DG! I like to give out occasional stat drops. Not all the time, but damn! Sometimes it becomes apparent to myself that something went up a level, right? 🙂

    You got me thinking a lot about D&D and the last little while of TNA booking, come to think of it. Hmm…

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