MPX One-Year Anniversary Show 4-23-11
By JustinRuff · · Leave a CommentTonight was a solid show. Everything worked well and gelled together. Quick warning: Iwill talk about my segment, but I really shouldn’t be the one to critique myself. It seemed there were a lot of people there. More and more people are beginning to show up. I’m seeing MPX get more buzz. There are wrestlers leaving comments on people’s Facebook about looking for bookings there. Wrestling promoters are coming there scouting talent. I talked to a fan afterwards who had been there for the first time and liked it. MPX has survived a lot of difficulties, and it’s nice to see them celebrate one year.
They began the night with the recap. It would be nice to have a voiceover. Kate walked out sporting a new haircut (the consensus was positive from the Ruff family). And she was rocking the obligatory bunny ears. She gave the thanks for all the responsible parties. And the action started, and it started quickly.
First match: $Payday$ vs. Carrion Arcane
I really liked this match. $Payday$ hid on the other side of the curtain waiting for Arcane to come out, which I thought was creative. There was no Claudia or Tadlock. Each of these wrestlers used their strengths in this match. Arcane fought a very power-oriented match. It reminded me a lot of Kevin Nash, but with agility. $Payday$ used his strengths of flying high and high-risk moves. It was a really great way to begin the night. $Payday$ still has some cringe-type moments, but he’s coming along nicely. I saw a submission hold from him. I love submission holds because they create some nice drama. Arcane has a great ring presence. He got the pin on $Payday$.
Winner: Arcane
Again, this was a great first match. It was also a nice continuation in their feud. I can see him tagging with Haiden against Nemesis. And $Payday$ wasn’t hurt any by this loss. The crowd loves him.
Second match: Ca$h & Carry & Kenny Steele vs. Jinn & Lucha Lucha & Ben Wylde w/Kyle Davis
Kyle has got to be one of the MVP’s of MPX. Nobody is better at self-deprecating. He had on bunny ears. It was full of epic win. This match was a little bit of a cluster, but not in a bad way. It just had a lot of good action and was multi-layered. Ca$h & Carry are working well on their tag team chemistry. They did some double-team moves and will be ready eventually for work outside MPX. Kyle Valo was out with a clipboard for this match and others. Why is he doing that? It’s a question that makes this company can’t-miss. Only like some other companies, these questions will actually be answered.
I got to take a moment to talk about Kenny Steele. He is coming along so nicely. I wonder when he will begin making appearances with other companies. I might go so far as to call him the most “over” heel in MPX. There was a “Kenny sucks” chant. To get this crowd to react that much to do a “[insert name here] sucks” chant was pretty big. I wrote down that he is “over like Zeus in Ancient Greece.” (Writing “over like God” didn’t sound right on Easter weekend.)
BC recognized Jinn as Seph Annunaki. Congratulations. He also recognized Hulk Hogan as Mr. America and El Caliente as Eddy Guerrero. The biggest surprise was Lucha’s chest not looking like a ground beef. I forgot who pinned who.
Winner: Ca$h & Carry & Kenny Steele
So I think we will most likely have a continuation of all the feuds here. The next segment was really fun. It was a Hot Topics that included me. Kyle talked about the fans and he mentioned me and then asked me to go into the ring. He asked me who gave him the right to write about MPX. I reminded him that there were buttons he could use on the top, as well as the bottom. And then Kyle made me read Twilight. Somebody in the crowd yelled, “Page 53.” As I turned it there, Kris Haiden’s music hit and he came out to my rescue. He thanked me for writing the blog I did and it was fun. I won’t critique myself on anything because I really didn’t know what I was supposed to do. Just it was really fun to be a part of. Thanks to MPX for thinking it was worth a segment. I have joked about it being my in-ring debut. (15 years of being a hardcore wrestling fan, it’s the first time I’ve ever entered a wrestling ring. Weird, huh?)
Third match: “Headbanger” Gregory James vs. Regrub
If nothing else comes of MPX, I hope I can say that I witnessed the birth of “Headbanger” Gregory James. If Kenny Steele is the top heel, Headbanger has to be the top face. Part of me says that Headbanger deserves the belt next, but I don’t know that he actually “needs” the belt. When Andrews’ reign is done, I’d like to see it go to Headbanger. And I love Regrub. He is MPX’s Kane. He is Galactus. Tonight he was a heel. The lines are always really blurry when it comes to what exactly Regrub is. I’m going to be honest. I was still a little adrenalin-filled, so it was hard to concentrate on this match. It was a really solid match, and I think Headbanger showed a lot of personality here. I hope the scouts see him because I think he has a really nice future.
Winner: Headbanger
The intermission was fun. Ben Wylde and his brother Kyle Davis handed out Easter eggs to all the kids. I’ve told Ben this before, but he reminds me a lot of Kofi Kingston. He is all that is right and good in this world. And I’m not only saying that because he’s on Team Pasty White with me and Sheamus. I also like this night being kid-friendly. I think the kids there really enjoyed it. A lucky fan got to throw a pie in the face of Kyle Davis. This was so fun for the fan (who let a kid toss it with him) and all who watched.
Fourth match: Frankie Fisher vs. James Hawke
I would have liked to see this match given a month or two of build-up, but by the match’s finish, I was ok with what they did. I would have liked Hawke to be a little more intense. If somebody humiliated me that way in front of my wife and sister, Kate wouldn’t finish her ring intros, and the referee definitely wouldn’t have time to check my boots. The two wrestled a really great match. I hated the finish, but I popped for it all at the same time. I liked the uniqueness of it all. It made sense for Frankie to try that. But I hate it when a referee doesn’t see the move and calls it anyway. I hated it when Kevin Nash did it against Sid at Starrcade, and I was torn about it tonight.
Winner: Fisher by DQ
One of the MPX security people whacked Hawke over the head with the ruler. He then took off his MPX security shirt and was wearing a Frankie Fisher t-shirt. So now we know the other person who bought Frankie’s t-shirt. I think it was a nice debut. Who was this guy? (Another question I’ll have to keep coming back to get answered.)
Fifth match: WASP w/Kyle Valo vs. Ryan Gauge
WASP has that snarky heel face all the time. He’s cocky, better than you and he knows it. It reminds me of Jericho as a heel. WASP took the mic and informed us that Ryan wasn’t in the back so he wouldn’t be fighting tonight. Silly WASP, Ryan was going to sneak attack you. Ryan has a lot of natural charisma and understands how to use his size. Ryan Gauge is not the biggest wrestler, but he reminds me a lot of Scrappy Doo. He has a lot of fight in him. Kyle was his usual excellence managing. (See Kyle, I do say great things about you.) He put on Ryan’s customized hat. WASP actually tapped out to Ryan’s Full Nelson.
Winner: Gauge by submission
WASP put over Ryan HUGE. Then next came the main event. I really hadn’t decided who was going to win this one. I wasn’t ready for Andrews to lose the belt, but I wanted Haiden to win the belt.
Main event: Matt Andrews (c) vs. Kris Haiden in a Tables Match with Mike Dolenz as guest referee
This match had some great drama. The goal was to not go through a table so Haiden and Andrews did everything to not go through the table. It reminded me of a scaffold match or the Japanese barb wire match where explosives would go off if you touched the barb wire. (Ah, feel that FMW nostalgia flowing.) The drama was built around not going through the table and was nicely played. God did help out with the atmosphere as it began to thunder and lightning outside. It was like a action film climax. Matt Andrews told me to write this down and then took a suplex from Haiden. So here it is. “Owwwwww…” Haiden went out and got a ladder. We all knew what was coming next. It was just who was going through. Viktor Tadlock come out from the back, the lights went out and Claudia did a pre-recorded promo. After the lights came back on, Arcane was at the top of the ladder and spit out the red mist. Haiden went through the table.
Winner: Andrews
Security and the workers came out to separate Haiden and Arcane. After that Mike Dolenz took the mic and informed Andrews his next opponent was going to be the Headbanger. An Easter Bunny was passing out candy. The Easter Bunny took off his suit and, lo and behold, it was the Headbanger.
A nice end to the night. The match of the night was of course the main event, and anybody who goes through a table wins MVP in my book, though Kenny Steele, get ready for the ball. I see you getting it before too long. I like that more wrestlers are picking up submission holds. Those provide for great drama. And of course, one last time, thanks for the chance to be involved.
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