Welcome everybody to yet another edition of JT’s Random Randomness.  Without further ado, lets get this show on the road:

1. Word on the street is that Jeff Hardy has put in his notice and is leaving the WWE when his contract runs out.  As a fan of both Hardy’s, this kinda saddens me but I also know that he probably needs the time off.  Then again he might change his mind and resign with the WWE, making this all a mute point. (he still has 3 months left on his contract)
2. I thought Santino interviewing Santina would be comedy gold, but it wasn’t.  I was not the least bit entertained, but everyone is allowed to slip once in awhile.

3. Cena vs Jericho was a very good match.  Loved hearing the “Y2J” chants.  A good farewell to RAW for Jericho.

4. I have to admit, HHH vs Orton was a good match.  Why couldn’t you guys put this kind of match on at Wrestlemania?

5. HORNSWOGGLE SPEAKS!!!!!!!  I didn’t think it was possible, since all he did was grunt.  Then he got to wrestle Natalya and won.  I don’t really see the point of that except to not damage Tyson Kidd’s push which makes sense.
6.  Did I say that I like Tiffany as ECW General Manager?  I think so.

7. Evan Bourne vs. Paul Burchill was an awesome match.  I hope these two end up feuding over the ECW title soon.   

8. Valdmir Koslov says Russian athletes are superior. Then why are wrestling jobbers?

9. Jack Swagger says that Christian can’t beat him.  Um, yes he has, twice.  Once in singles competition and once in a tag team match.  So your wrong Swagger.

10. I don’t get why Rey Mysterio is so popular.  I just don’t.  Thought I’m not really a big fan of his style.

11. Why do Punk & Mysterio get stuck wrestling Kane & Big Show?  Not that it was a bad match, it’s just the small uys vs the giants is tired.

12. Take everything I said earlier about Tyson Kidd’s push.  He jobbed to Hornswoggle on Superstars.  🙁

13. Finlay Karaoke, WTF????  I think could do better. 

14. The Cena-Edge feud is not = to the Yankees-Red Sox (and that’s form a braves fan).  More like a Cowboys-Eagles feud.

15.  I see some big things happening to Kofi Kingston, he definately has the talent.  Hopefully WWE doesn’t screw it up.

16.  So Mick “I retired in 2000” Foley is the new TNA world champion.  Way to put over your young stars TNA. 
14. Bobby Lashley is now in TNA.  I’ve got no problem with it.  I was a fan of his in WWE and it’ll be good to see him wrestling again.  And no, iMPACT’s ratings won’t get any higher.

15.  What is with TNA and not givin their former champions rematches?  Foley beats Sting and instead of a 1 on 1 rematch, it’s gonna be a 4 way match and we don’t don’t even know if Sting will be in it.  Come on TNA.  If Sting’s contract is up, have him lose the title at the last ppv and have the rematch at Lockdown.  I’m just saying.  Then Team 3D beats Beer Money for the tag team titles (way to put over your young stars TNA) and Beer Money has to wrestle in a tournament in order to get a rematch.  And you wonder why people like me mock your product.

16.  Holy Crap, Kevin Nash took more than two steps and didn’t get injured.

17.  When did Trevor Murdoch sign with TNA?

18.  Edge and Jeff Hardy can do psycho like no other.

19.  Undertaker vs Big Show was a great match.  

20.  MVP is taking on Dolph Ziggler next weeks on Smackdown for the US title.  Wait a minute.  Wasn’t MVP drafted to RAW?  And isn’t the draft supposed to be enforced this week? 

21.  Yet again for the second week in a row, we had RAW wrestlers main eventing Smackdown.  And ot even a good one, (zzz) Batista & Shane McMahon vs Legacy.  ZZZZ pretty much explains this one.  I tired of ths feud, make it stop.  Hopefully it will tonight.

22.  I looked over the Backlash card and noticed something, Kane has a match on it and not Undertaker.  When was the last time that happened, if ever.  (Well when Undertaker wasn’t injured)

23.  I got a copy of the new Heaven & Hell CD “The Devil You Know”  (available officially 4/28) and so far it sounds pretty good.  I’ll have more on it next week. For those who don’t know Heaven & Hell is Black Sabbath with Ronnie James Dio singing, why they are calling themselves Heaven & Hell, I don’t know, probably so that Ozzy doesn’t sue or something.

Well that’s all, it’s warm here in CNY and I want to enjoy it, so thanks for reading as always and see you all next time.

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