Hey I have a busy day tomorrow so I’m getting this done a little early this week.  So are you ready?   No, well too bad because here we go:

1.  Go Detroit Lions!  Only three more to go to achieve  the legendary status of being the first ever NFL team to go 0-16!  Believe, you guys can do it!

 2.  Since it’s the holiday season, her are some of the things I want for, Christmas (in case anyone has a couple of extra bucks and wants to get me something) :

  1. Guitar Hero: World Tour
  2. X-Box 360 
  3. A laptop computer
  4. the new KANE DVD
  5. the new Edge DVD

3. Chinese Democracy is the theme song for this weekend’s Armageddon pay per view.  It fits seeming that Armageddon will probably happen before Democracy in China.

4.  Metallica’s new video for All Nightmare Long:


5. So, The Slammy’swere held this on RAW.  No real surprises here except  Chris Jericho winning Wrestler of the Yearhonors.  Not that he doesn’t deserve it, but when you’re up against Cena, HHH, Batista, Jeff Hardyand Edge, he is the last person I thought WWE would’ve picked.

6. Santino Marella jobbed to Hornswoggle on RAW.  🙁

7. If Santino is the best thing on RAW, then Charlie Haas is the second best thing on RAW!

8.  CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio in the finals of the IC #1 contender tournament.  Go Punk!

9.  Why is everyone picking on Tommy Dreamer?

10.  Welcome back Boogeyman.  It’s good to see that you now have teeth.

11.  I had Impact on my TV on Thursday but didn’t pay much attention to it.  From what I remember F*** Eric Young, Curry Man is fired (yay!), Hernandez got the TNA title shot (yay!) and Homicide got the X-division shot (yay!) and that’s it. 

12.  Kennedy vs. MVP feud.  I like it.

13.  Hurricane Helms next US champion.  You heard it here first!

14.  We didn’t get the Khali Kiss cam this week.  Instead we got Khali killing former tag team champions Hawkins and Ryder. Lame but at least it was wrestling.

15. One final note:  Edge is winning the triple threat at Armageddon.  You don’t bring a guy back, make him a surprise entrant in a mach, give him the belt only to take it off him at the next pay per view.

OK well that’s all for now.  As always thanks for reading, and have a great week all!


  1. "15. One final note: Edge is winning the triple threat at Armageddon. You don’t bring a guy back, make him a surprise entrant in a mach, give him the belt only to take it off him at the next pay per view."

    if you're WWE, it's possible. Especially since we all know Cena's retaining.

  2. "15. One final note: Edge is winning the triple threat at Armageddon. You don’t bring a guy back, make him a surprise entrant in a mach, give him the belt only to take it off him at the next pay per view."

    if you're WWE, it's possible. Especially since we all know Cena's retaining.

  3. also, thanks for the link to the Metallica video, I hadn't seen it yet. If the zombies were stop-motion, it would resemble a Tool video, don't you think?

  4. also, thanks for the link to the Metallica video, I hadn't seen it yet. If the zombies were stop-motion, it would resemble a Tool video, don't you think?

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