It’s time, it’s time to Kick Out The Jams!for your favorite article of thew week written by me.  I shall not make you wait any longer , so here we go:

1.  RIP Senator Ted Kennedy.

2.  I saw Rob Zombie’s “Halloween 2” this weekend and have to say that it is quite good, but in usual sequel form, not as good as the last one.

3.  Drink Ultra Violet Diet Mountain Dew.  It’s awesome, I’m hooked on it.

4.  Rey Mysterio was suspended this week for violating WWE’s wellness policy, thought his 30 day suspension doesn’t begin until Sept 2.  JT points and laughs.  I’m sorry you are a top guy in the company and you know WWE will makes this information public.  Dummy.

5.  RAW sucked this week.  It was so bad that for the first time in years, I actually thought about turning it off  and not watching it.

6.  I acually like the idea for Mark Henry & MVP tag team face Jericho and Big Show.  Two equal sized team face each other for once.

7.  Sheamus and Goldust are having a really good feud.  I’m really enjoying their matches.

8.  Tyler Recks still sucks.

9.  Why do I think that even though WWE is trying to turn Shelton Benjamin babyface, Zack Ryder will end up being the babyface when their feud is all over.

10.  Christian vs William Regal is good for the ECW title.

11.  WWE needs to push Primo, his is good in the ring.

12.  I’m not gonna lie, I had iMPACT! on my TV this week, but I paid zero attention to it (read Drowgoddess’ review if you haven’t already).  I just goofed around on Facebook.  Speaking of Facebook, we have a fan page on there, so if you have a Facebook account, be sure to add us.

13.   Oh yeah, and join out Forums too.

14.  I still don’t believe Matt Hardy is truly a babyface.  I think that he’s tricking us. 

15.  Jeff Hardy is finally done with WWE, for now.  I can only say that WWE did a great job letting him go the way they did and giving him time to say goodbye at the end of Smackdown.  On that note all I can say is that Thank you Jeff!

Well that’s all I’ve got for this week.  Thanks again for reading and see you all next time. Whenever that may be.


  1. 2. I actually want to see that one. I just saw "Inglourious Basterds," and recommend it most highly.

    4. Rey is protesting it, though, and if what he says is true, WWE is completely in the wrong on this one.

    14. I agree. It may be catty and immature to say so, but looking back, I really don't see how Lita stayed with that guy for six years.

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