Hey what’s up people from the land of ice and snow (or so it seems).  Not much this week because I’ve had a really rough week but let’s see what I can come up with:

1.  I’ve waited a long time for this: JEFF HARDY WWE CHAMPION! It’s about f***** time.  Big time congrats to Jeff.  I have to admit that I had tears in my eyes as I watched the celebration on Smackdown this week.

2.  Only 2 more to go Detroit, don’t let me down.

3.  YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


4.  The Daily Show and Colbert Report are on vacation until after the new year.  Where the hell am I gonna get my news from?

5.  I didn’t pay much attention to RAW because of what’s been going on here and to top it all off, we got no Santino on the mic and Chalie Haas dressed as Santa.  Yeah I know it’s the Christmas season but it should’ve been on this week’s RAW.

6.  Teddy Long is th best GM on any of the programs, why isn’t he the GM on RAW?

7.  I tried to pay attention to Impact but a phone call from a friend, and then an argument ruined it for me.  But it probably sucked anyways.

8.  Smackdown was good as per the usual.  But then again, watching it on DVR makes it better. I was surprised that we only got 30 seconds of HHH time on it.

9.  I haven’t yet watched WWE’s Tribute To The Troops.  Will get to it later.

Well that’s all I’ve got.  Thanks for reading and Happy Holidays to all!

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