Hello again folks.  Welcome to another edition of Random Randomness.  Well are you ready?  No.  Well I’ve got 2 words for ya: “Too Bad!”

1. I hope everyone out there had a great Christmas, and everyone have a happy and safe New Years.  Don’t do anything JT wouldn’t do.

2. Today is the day the Detroit Lions can make history by becoming the first ever NFL team to finish the season 0-16.  You guys can do it!  JT’s game-plan: don’t even show up to the game.  But then that last loss wouldn’t really be earned, so what I do suggest is that you play all of your 3rd, 4th & 5th string guys to insure the loss.

3. I got Hinder’s Take It To The Limit CD this week and have to say that it is quite good and you should take a listen to it.

4.  I watched WWE’s Tribute To The Troops last week, and have to say that it was a big pile of meh.  Not that what they are doing is bad, I think it’s a great thing they take the time to go over and entertain our armed forces, but when I watch the program, I feel like I’m just watching WWE pat themselves on the back.

5.  I was watching the new Edge DVD (yes I got it for Christmas 🙂 ) and the first match is Edge vs. Owen Hart.  It got me thinking, why doesn’t Owen have his own 3 DVD set?

6.  Santino got to main event RAW on Monday.  YAY!  I don’t care if he was pinned by SuperCena, he was in the main event.

7. Good to see Trish Stratus on RAW this past week.

8. So, its Orton vs. HBK vs. JBL vs Chris Jericho to see who will be next to lay down to Cena.  My money’s on JBL, because it’s my pick.

9. ECW was a “Best Of” show this week.  I don’t watch best of shows.

10. The same usual rubbish happened on Impact this week (thanks Legend Killer) and that all I have to say about that.

11. Youmanga is returning,  jobbers and mid carders beware!

12. Is anyone not as interested in the debut of Kizarny as I am?

13. So, is the Great Khali a face now, I really can’t tell?

14. Nothing much more to say about Smackdown except that I thought it was yet another good program overall and I’m looking forward to seeing the Hardy’s vs Edge & Big Show next week.

Well I taken enough of your time this week thanks again for reading and see you next year!


  1. They did it! The Lions are 0-16! What a history making performance from the worst team in NFL history – though they did manage to narrowly avoid having the most points against in a single season by holding the Pack to just 31 points.

    I, for one, am looking forward to the debut of Kizarny next week, but only because I saw him wrestle up in Canada a few years back (as "The Original Sinn," midcarding against a guy named Elvis Osbourne on a show headlined by Eric Young).

    Owen Hart – not in the Hall of Fame, not in the video games, not in the Classic Superstars action figure series, and no DVD. What the hell is Vince's problem with the guy?

    Great work once again – thanks, JT!

  2. They did it! The Lions are 0-16! What a history making performance from the worst team in NFL history – though they did manage to narrowly avoid having the most points against in a single season by holding the Pack to just 31 points.

    I, for one, am looking forward to the debut of Kizarny next week, but only because I saw him wrestle up in Canada a few years back (as "The Original Sinn," midcarding against a guy named Elvis Osbourne on a show headlined by Eric Young).

    Owen Hart – not in the Hall of Fame, not in the video games, not in the Classic Superstars action figure series, and no DVD. What the hell is Vince's problem with the guy?

    Great work once again – thanks, JT!

  3. I could definitely do without the stupid little "izzle" talk, but the guy wasn't horrible in the ring back in NSPW, and I'm sure he's probably improved significantly since then after going through the WWE machine down in FCW. If he sucks in the ring, I won't hold back from saying so in next week's review, but I'm willing to bet that he'll do okay for himself.

  4. I could definitely do without the stupid little "izzle" talk, but the guy wasn't horrible in the ring back in NSPW, and I'm sure he's probably improved significantly since then after going through the WWE machine down in FCW. If he sucks in the ring, I won't hold back from saying so in next week's review, but I'm willing to bet that he'll do okay for himself.

  5. I've never seen him before, but I'll give anybody a chance. Ringwise, he may be fine, but he's got a gimmick that would kill anyone. I'm not sure I'll blame him if he doesn't last long.

    Good point about Owen. Maybe Vince is waiting until all the Harts of that generation are dead. Dunno.

    I'm really digging the Randomness columns, JT. Good work again, sir!

  6. I've never seen him before, but I'll give anybody a chance. Ringwise, he may be fine, but he's got a gimmick that would kill anyone. I'm not sure I'll blame him if he doesn't last long.

    Good point about Owen. Maybe Vince is waiting until all the Harts of that generation are dead. Dunno.

    I'm really digging the Randomness columns, JT. Good work again, sir!

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