As we all go on with our lives, we take a look back and reflect on the past and contemplate the future.  For some of us, it’s all about the here and now or something.  So right here is the time, right now is the time and this is my article for the week:

1.  LeBron James made the announcement that he is leaving the Cleveland Cavaliers and will be joining the Miami Heat.  As someone who follows the NBA a little bit, I’d have to say that this is a good move for him for the fact that if he wants to win a title, it won’t be in Cleveland.  Is this gonna get me to start watching the NBA again, no but it will be interesting to see what happens at next years NBA finals between Miami and Los Angeles Lakers.  (someone needs to dethrine Kayne Bryant)

2.  I’m starting to not like the anonymous GM gimmick, I mean the an e-mail is sent the lights flicker.  Lame what if that happened every time you got an e-mail at your house, it’d be pretty annoying wouldn’t it?

3.  R-Truth was “injured” by The Miz on Monday and was immediately pulled from the RAW Money In The Bank match next Sunday.  My first thoughts were that someone failed a pee test, but I came to find out that he has a groin injury that may require surgery.  Looks like he won’t be dancing for awhile.

4.  Who should take R-Truth’s place?  Well, I would go with Zack Ryder, but knowing WWE we’ll probably get Yoshi Tatsu or Goldust, but then again Goldust wouldn’t be a bad replacement either.

5.  Oh great, Cena gets to beat all of the Nexus guys in one match tomorrow, just what I don’t want to see.  Though I wouldn’t be surprised if Sheamus were to cost Cena the victory.

6.  Quote Josh Matthews to Michael Cole on NXT:  “Do you know that your terrible?”  or something along those lines but LOL funny.  Whys isn’t Matthews on RAW instead of Cole, he’s so much better at it.

7.  Rick Flair pisses on all of us who watched his retirement match and celebration the next night returns to the ring tonight for the 6 people watching to face Jay Lethal at TNA’s Victory Road ppv.  F*** Flair!

8.  Drew McIntyre wants to nominate Smackdown GM Teddy Long for the WWE Hall Of Fame in 2011.  Since he began as a referee and worked his way up to the GM position, I would have to say that this is a good idea, he deserves it and since the rumor is for it to be a WCW alum Hall Of Fame year, this would be a great addition to it since WCW is where he got his start.

9.  Christian heel turn, didn’t see that one coming.  I liked him as a babyface.  Though his turning on Matt Hardy may be because the Money In The Bank match is an every man for himself.

10. Speaking of the match, both Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre were added to the Smackdown Money In The Bank ladder match.  Got no problems here, but if you looked at who they already had in it, the match needed a couple more heel’s in it.

11.  Jack Swagger attacking than dragging Rey Mysterio around the arena with an ankle lock on, awesome!

12.  Kelly Kelly has a womens title shot, wow how that title has fallen.

13.  I liked the end of Smackdown when Kane was interrogated Jack Swagger.  Swagger so looked like he was about to crap his pants, maybe he did, and if so it would’ve been awesome.

Well on that note, that’s all I’ve got for now, thank you all for reading and see you next time.  Oh and if you want in on the Money In The Bank Roundtable, PM me you picks between Tuesday 7/15 and Friday 7/16/2010  11:30 pm eastern time.


  1. 1. Yeah, oddly enough I find myself more interested in the NBA's upcoming season too. I used to watch more when Barkley was active, but the showboating forced my hand. NCAA March Madness is still way better.

    4. Wade Barrett

    6. If Cena squashes the Spirit Squad we riot.

    7. It is a shame. I concur. Jay Lethal must be the luckiest guy on that roster… even though Flair already broke his retirement with Hogan in Australia last summer, this one doesn't have the same "yeah but it's…." factor.

    8. If Koko B Ware goes in, why not Teddy Long?

    9. I'd love to see the Captain as a heel with the briefcase.

    11. It truly was…

    I'll try and jump in on the roundtable… could be a crazy week as Stampeding is also on the table…

  2. 7. Fuck Ric Flair. I drove all the way the fuck to Florida to see his retirement match with Shawn Michaels, and he turns around and wrestles for TNA? Fuck that motherfucker.

    11. Hell. Yes. I'm thinking a number one vote for Jack Swagger is in order for this week's power poll.

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