You know what, it’s hard to be creative in the morning when you try to write first thing after you crawl out of bed and that’s what I’m trying to do right now, but don’t worry folks, a couple chair shots to the head and I’ll be fine. So let’s get this shoe on the road:

1.  So Kane wins the Smakdown Money In The Bank match and cashes it in that night to become the new World Heavyweight Champion.  It’s about f*&%ing time the WWE put a major belt on him.  He is very deserving of it.  This also make him the first superstar under the WWE/WWF banner to hold the WWE(F), ECW, and World Heavyweight Title.  Congrats!

2.  The RAW Money In The Bank match was won by The Miz and I have only one word to say about it, AWESOME!!!!  Though I see him being the one who cashes it in and losing though.

3.  The main event for Summersalm is the Cena 7 vs. the Nexus 7.  The Cena 7 includes John Cena, John Morrison, R-Truth, Chris Jericho, Edge, The Great Khali, and Bret Hart!  Now since this team was announced I’ve heard people say that there is gonna be changes to Cena’s team since Bret isn’t supposed to be wrestling, Khali just sucks, Truth & Morrison having stories elsewhere.  But let’s face it this isn’t gonna change before Summerslam and if it does, I will be surprised.

4.  I voted for Kaval again, just saying.  You should too.

5.  Congrats to former and founding member of the Triumvirate of TN-Awesomness Fritz Stephey who was married this past week.

6.  Jobbo Guerrero got another win this week.  That’s two in a row, but then again it was on Superstars again, so does it really count.

7.  I saw Adler’s Appetite this past week and had myself a blast.  For those who don’t know, Steven Adler, before his stint on Celebrity Rehab, was the original drummer for Guns N Roses playing on the albums Appetite For Destruction and G’N’R lies before being kicked out during the recording of the Use Your Illusion albums (though he is listed as the Drummer on the track Civil War) for his drug usage.  The band consists of Chip Z’Nuff (Enuff Z’Nuff) on bass , guitarists Alex Grossi (Quiet Riot) and Michael Thomas (Faster Pussycat), and Rick Stitch on vocals from LA band “Ladyjack”.  They basically played all Guns N’ Roses songs with an original thrown in there for safe keeping.  Afterward they did a meet and greet and I got to meet all of the band members who were all very cool. So if they come to your town check them out.

8.  Well I guess TNA is doing an ECW themed pay per view, hmmm I wonder where they got that idea from.

9.  The mystery masked man in the S.E.S. is none other than…………. Joey Mercury!  Wait , we already knew that.

10.  I know I said something about a possible Christian heel turn, but I don’t think that it’s happening, it’s gonna be Matt Hard who turns.  Hopefully WWE wont mess this one up and just end it for no reason.

11.  Now as wrestling fans, we all know that in the WWE when a champion loses hit/her title, they always get the first rematch right?  They why did you have a #1 contender’s match including the former champion (Rey) just to have him win it.  It was a stupid waste of a half hour of programming, just give him the rematch and don’t waste our time.

Well on that note I’m done for this week, thank you all for reading and it will be awhile before you see me again since I’ll be on vacation for a bit, so no articles from me for at least the next two (possibly three) weeks, though I may just chime in at or around Aug 12 with something, don’t know yet.  So I’ll see you when I get back.

1 Comment

  1. 2. I just hope he holds onto it for a while, keeping the suspense of when he will cash in the briefcase a theme.

    3. I can't see anything really good coming out of this if Nexus loses. Except squashing momentum.

    7. That's a pretty stocked lineup!

    9. The question I have now, is what do they do with him? The mask story appears to have been dropped.

    10. Kind of like what's going on in point 9?

    11. Exactly. Dumb booking.

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