What’s up dudes and dudettes! Happy Labor Day to everyone fortunate enough to have a 3 day weekend or just tomorrow off for the holiday, but you know the world still turns and things happen so lets get this show on the road so I can go do things too:

1.  The new Disturbed CD “Asylum” is awesome, go out and buy it if you haven’t already. (it’ll probably be the #1 album in the US this week)

2.  Papa Roach also has a new CD out too called “Time For Annihilation … On The Record & On The Road” it is also good but it is a live CD with 5 new studio recordings. But if you have seen them live you know how awesome they are and this CD is a must buy.

3.  RAW hit 900 this week with a pretty good show for the most part.  Notice hoe one of RAW’s most memorable moments was when HHH returned in 2002, looks someone was stroking hhhis own ego.

4.  Everyone was talking on how great CM Punk was on RAW and he was, but Big Show’s impression of the Huckster was pretty dam good too.

5.  The rumor is that starting at Night Of Champions with the scheduled womens/diva title unification match, the WWE will eventually unify the other titles as well with the WWE/World Title unification match at Wrestlemania.  I personally don’t like this because less titles gives guy’s less title opportunities, which may lead to more superstars getting lost in the shuffle.  Plus the last time the title were unified, by the end of the next year WWE went back to having two titles anyway, which will probably happen here.

6. Congrats to Kaval for winning season 2 of WWE NXT.  Wow, that’s 2 guys I got behind in the show that have won. I apologize for not doing an audio like I said I was going to do, but this week was just too busy and when I finally sat down to watch the finale on Friday, my allergies were so bad that all you would’ve heard was me sneezing for about 20 minutes.

7.  And on that note I’m don with NXT, yeah I know I said that the last time, but since this season is an all diva season and we all know what I think of them, I will not be watching. I even removed it off my DVR so I won’t be tempted.

8.  Is WWE breaking up the SES?  First Serena is gone, Joey Mercury who’s been back for like 2 weeks is injured and will be out for some time and now Punk attacks Luke Gallows.  Poor Luke, lets hope you still have a job after this.

9.  Why do we have a story where Hornswoggle learns to talk, come on.

Alright folks I think I said just about enough this week, thank you all for reading, have a safe rest of the weekend and see you all next time.


  1. 3. I enjoyed CM Punks ranting. It was an ok episode at best.

    4. Yeah, Show is always funny when they let him do the old Hulk impression

    5. This could be a good thing… depends on how it affects the champion's ability to defend on all shows.

    8, I think you just pointed out the fate of the SES… it would have been cool if it ended without bad luck circumstances.

    9. Or just future endeavor the guy. He's become a literal paper-weight.

    Happy Labour Day J.T.!

  2. 4. I absolutely loved that segment! It was by far the best thing on the show.

    5. Lots of uncertainty here. I completely agree with you that title unification means fewer guys in title pictures, and stale title scenes. However, forcing the champions to defend their titles on both shows could theoretically be good. Communism was theoretically good, too….

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