Hey everybody, Ive got an early edition of Random Randomness this week because I have a busy weekend, so lets’ get it started:

1. So, Vince returns to RAW this week.  Everybody better pucker up.

2. Stone Cold Steve Austin is the first named to be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame.  I’ve got three words for ya: “OH HELL YEAH!”

3. Speaking of the hall of fame, Metallica is now officially a 2009 inductee into the Rock N’ Roll Hall of Fame!  Awesome.  Congratulations guys, you deserve this!

4. It was asked over on the World Wrestling Insanity message boards if we will ever see Austin vs. Hogan at Wrestlemania. Hogan was the man made me a fan, while Austin made a die hard fan.  Having said that, I personally don’t care if it happens or not.  If they were both still in their primes, then I would be all for it, but not really now.


6. The Cena/HBK match was awesome.

7. Santino is officially a participant in the Royal Rumble.  Well at least it’ll be entertaining for the 15 seconds he’ll be in it.

8. Jack Swagger is the new ECW champion. Really?  I don’t think he’s ready for it yet.  But maybe they have bigger things for Matt Hardy by having him win the Rumble go to Smackdown and challenge Jeff for the WWE title at WM 25.

9. Did I mention that DJ Gabriel Sucks Ass?

10.  Didn’t really watch Impact this week, sorry.

11.  Speaking of TNA, why the hell do you give the tag team titles to Lethal and Creed only to have them lose it back to Beer Money 3 days later at the PPV?  And to top it all off they make Creed an Lethal the number 1 contenders on this weeks Impact. Makes no sense to me.
12.  MVP WINS!  MVP WINS!  Like we were gonna go without HHH being in the Royal Rumble.

13. Speaking of HHH him showinging the nude pictures of Vickie Gurrerro remids me of why I’m not a fan. 🙁

14. R-Truth/ Brian Kendrick feud is an awesome idea.

15.  Jeff Hardy got burned up,  WTF???

Well that’s all for this week, thanks again for reading and have a good week.


  1. well… sadly, the Eagles lost, ruining dreams of an all Pennsylvania Super Bowl. I'm completely torn as to who to root for now. On one hand, the Cards shut down the team that I thought was going to go all the way. On the other, Pittsburgh will pass my 49ers and become the winningest team in Super Bowl history with their sixth if they win.

    Also, you can't imagine how thrilled I was to find out not only that Metallica is going into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this year, but they'll be joined by Run DMC!

    YES! MVP WON! And it gives me reason to tune in, to see if they follow up on MVP and Triple H – which they won't.

    That was a really cool stunt Jeff pulled on Friday. I watched it about 20 times before it even aired here in Buffalo (it airs at 8PM on Fridays, but I watched the whole show on YouTube before the end of the TV broadcast).

    Thanks for another great week of randomness, JT!

  2. well… sadly, the Eagles lost, ruining dreams of an all Pennsylvania Super Bowl. I'm completely torn as to who to root for now. On one hand, the Cards shut down the team that I thought was going to go all the way. On the other, Pittsburgh will pass my 49ers and become the winningest team in Super Bowl history with their sixth if they win.

    Also, you can't imagine how thrilled I was to find out not only that Metallica is going into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this year, but they'll be joined by Run DMC!

    YES! MVP WON! And it gives me reason to tune in, to see if they follow up on MVP and Triple H – which they won't.

    That was a really cool stunt Jeff pulled on Friday. I watched it about 20 times before it even aired here in Buffalo (it airs at 8PM on Fridays, but I watched the whole show on YouTube before the end of the TV broadcast).

    Thanks for another great week of randomness, JT!

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