Welcome again folks to me ranting and raving about whatever I feel like in as little words as I can because I feel that less is more in my insane head of mine.  So lets see how short of an article I can make this week:


1.  I like R-Truth’s new heel persona.  I was a fan of him as a face but as a heel this is taking him to a whole new level.  Lets just hope ths will end up wit a title reign for him or at least a main event push.

2.  For those who don’t know John Morrison’s neck injury will cause him to be out only 6-8 weeks, so lets say just as R-Ttuth is about to pin Ceena for the WWE title. (yes I know he is going to be jobbing feuding with Rey Mysterio but one can only hope)

3.  Punk is apparently leaving WWE later this year when his contract is up.  If true this sucks but explains why he’s been kinda non existent lately.

4.  Dolph Ziggler’s new look is crap, he just looks like one of the guy’s in the back.  Remember his main event push over on Smackdown, that was earlier this year.

5.  I’m tired of the Michael Cole vs. Jerry Lawler feud.  Hopefully thhis will end at Over The Limit or whatever next weeks ppv is. (Hey it’s 9 am here, the brain isn’t totally working yet)

6.  Why do I have a feeling that the Corre and Nexus are gonna group together and take out Kane and Big Show????

7.  Impact Wrestling, really?  I’m glad I’m done with that company.

8.  Chyna has returned to TNA  or Impact Wrestling whatever it’s called.  It’s nice to see them rely on someone who hasn’t wrestled in almost 10 years.  Did I mention that I was glad I’m done with that company.

9.  What’s up with the funny lighting during the Sin Cara/ Daniel Bryan match. Does the suckitude of Sin Cara need special lighting to experience it.

10.  Chavo Guerrero has been found!  Well I mean WWE found another little guy for him to job to since it looks like he will be jobbing feuding with Sin Cara real soon.

11.  Remember when Ted DiBiase was going to be the breakout star after Legacy broke up.  That thought came into my head when I saw him wrestle the guy who ended did it Cody Rhodes.  Talk about a tale of two cities.

12.  Mark Henry as a heel, meh for right now.  I’ll give him a little time on this one.

13.  Anyone seen Hornswoggle since Wrestlemania.  Oh yeah he was at Rock’s birthday celebration, sorry about that.

14.  Jinder Mahal is quite interesting right now in that I am hearing that he is gonna be responsible in an upcoming Great Khali heel turn.  Khali as a heel > Khali as a face.

15.  Um, I don’t watch Tough Enough or Superstars so I can’t talk about them.

16.  I’m not a big NBA fan, only paying attention to the playoffs since 1998, so I was surprised to find out that the Chicago Bulls ended up with the best record int the NBA this year and won 60 games for the first time since the Jordan/Pippen era and are one of the final four teams left to win it all.  If they do then I might just have to get out my 15 year old Bulls jersey and wear it. And yes it still fits.


Well that’s all for this week, thanks for reading and see you all next time.


  1. Not liking the deal with Punk… if it means he gets some rest and heals up though, hopefully we see him back.

    I'm kind of pulling for the Bulls myself. Like the style they play, good team approach.

  2. Wow. The freakin' Bulls. It almost makes me want to tune into the NBA for the first time since… well, probably since the last time they won the NBA Championship. If they beat the Heat, I just might.

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