Hey, just wanted to chime in and give some thoughts and the world as I see it.

1.  First, I hope everyone who celebrated it had a happy and safe Thanksgiving, I know I did.

2.  The long awaited Guns N’ Roses album Chinese Democracy was released last Sunday and as ruled my CD player since.  This is well worth buying and will not disappoint, as long as you realise that this is Guns N’ Roses 2008, not Guns N’ Roses 1987-93.

3.  A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift Of All is f****n hilarious, a definite must watch.

4.  So Edge is the new WWE champion.  As a huge fan of his I should be excited but I really wanted Jeff Hardy to win the title at the Survivor Series.  But Edge as champ is always a good thing and let’s hope that we will get Hardy as WWE champion soon.

5.  John Cena is the new World Heavyweight champion. Ugh!  It shoud’ve stayed on Jericho, nuff said.

6.  Santino Marella is the best thing on RAW right now.

7.  I tried watching Impact Thursday and fell asleep during the show, it was that bad.  The Turkey Bowl, c’mon.  The only match that should’ve been a X-division guy vs. a Heavyweight vs. a Tag Wrestler was the last one.  We shouldn’t have has to sit through 4 matches like that.  Then Alex Shelly ends having to wear a turkey costume (rolleyes).

8.  Listening to vinyl is awesome!

9.  The new Steel Steps background is cool, great job Joe, keep up the good work.

10.  I don’t know if it’s been because of me DVRing it, but Smackdown has been the best program to watch each and every week lately (well minus the Khali Kiss cam).

Well I guess that’s it for now, thanks for taking the time to read and see you all next time!


  1. Haha, I didn't even catch that title until just now. Also, I still haven't gotten my copy of Chinese Democracy. I'll never pre-order from Best Buy again. I finally decided to download it while I wait.

  2. Haha, I didn't even catch that title until just now. Also, I still haven't gotten my copy of Chinese Democracy. I'll never pre-order from Best Buy again. I finally decided to download it while I wait.

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