Tonight on Raw from the AT&T center In San Antonio Texas, it’s tag team action as Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker will take on Vladimir Kozlov and JBL.  Also tonight, another must see as Chris Jericho challenges WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair to come out of retirement and face him in a match, as Raw continues on the road to The  WrestleMania 25!

Raw opens up with  a recap of the promo from last week, incriminating news delivered by John Cena in a comedic fashion.  As suspected The Big Show and Vickie Guerrero excused herself from Edge ,creating build up for The World Heavyweight Championship matchup between Edge, John Cena, and The Big Show at WM25

Pyro streams down as Raw Fires up!!!

HBK makes his entrance to the ring with generous pyro accompanying his theme music , The excitement comes to a halt as The Undertaker, his opponent at WrestleMania, but tag team partner for the time being’s  entrance follows with less excitement from the crowd!  JBL makes his entrance as the newly crowned I.C champ, defeating C.M Punk last week on Raw.  Kozlov quickly enters the ring!! Bell rings!! Stare down between HBK and the Undertaker as Kozlov seizes the opportunity , quick tag between HBK, and Taker.  Commercial break.  HBK delivers chops to JBL, as if still feuding with him, attempts sweet chin music but receives a boot in the mouth by JBL.  Tag made by Kozlov, near fall by Kozlov on HBK, Kozlov using brute strength while bear hugging HBK, who resiliently fights back as he attempts to tag in the Undertaker.  Undertaker is successful with going old school on Kozlov, walking half  way across the top ropes and clotheslining Kozlov!! HBK steals the tag and  delivers sweet chin music to defeat Kozlov. Undertaker chases HBK up the ramp.  HBK is getting plenty of exercise tonight,  delivering Sweet Chin Music on The Undertaker, no longer his tag team partner but future opponent at the highly anticipated WrestleMania 25.  Will he end the Undertakers 16-0 winning streak?

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Vickie Guerrero is backstage, when Edge enters looking distressed!  Edge forgives Vickie , Vickie replies that the Big Show forced himself on her.  Edge calls Big Show a home wrecker, and says that he is just trying to boost his career.  John Cena is the real problem here!  Vickie wants Egde to take Cena apart, threating his spot at WrestleMania.  She tells Edge that she hopes he wins at WrestleMania!! Make out scene.

RECAP: Randy Orton and Triple H, Extreme Home Takeover.  Who the hell were all those people in Orton’s house?  We find out that they were members of the TV crew.  Triple H was carried away by police after breaking in.

He’s not in jail, though – he’s taking on Cody Rhodes, later tonight!

Randy Orton is interviewed by Todd Grisham after he chose not to press charges , wanting to deal with The Game at WrestleMania ( Orton’s Law).

6 Diva tag team action as  Beth Phoenix , Layla ,and the non melodious Jillian Hall Enter to the theme music of The Glamazon.  Kelly Kelly, Mickie James, and The WWE Women’s Champion Melina (who Santino refers to as the ostrige), make their way to the ring. Santino joins Michael Cole and The King on commentary.  This match is just a sneak preview of the 25 Diva Battle Royal at WM25, which will hopefully keep the lights from falling asleep, unlike last year’s Diva’s match (I was there!!).  Melina pins The Glamazon for the 123 , winning for her team.

Advertisement for 12 Rounds of Miniature Golf starring John Cena as Amy Danny Fisher in theaters next Friday!!!

Triple H goes against one third of Legacy, Cody Rhodes

It’s time to play the Game, as the WWE Champion Triple H enters the ring in a fury, doing the standard Poland Spring promo.  Gotta love it (THINKSOJOE NOTE:  Like the baby in Dinosaurs?!?)!!! I know my Mom does!!!!  Yeah he’s Priceless, don’t give him that good good good BullSH**.  The much younger Cody Rhodes enters the ring.  Randy Orton, as expected follows to the ring. Triple H soon hits Rhodes with The Pedigree, then calls for a steel cage to be lowered onto the ring, Leaving Orton and DiBiase with no way in!  The bell rings, and Orton attempts to climb the structure with no luck as The Game uses Rhodes as a weapon to keep him at bay.  Ted Dibiase Jr. attempts to climb over with little success.  Triple H is acting as a rottweiler in a big steel kennel territorial over a chew toy, in this case Cody Rhodes is playing the role of the raggedy chew toy.  Triple H effortlessly pins Rhodes for the victory.  After the match he climbs the cage and stares down his WrestleMania opponent.

Welcome back Evan Bourne, who returns to  ECW tomorrow night!!!


Booyakah!  Rey Mysterio enters the ring as the fan favorite that he is, going against Dolph Ziggler, who doesn’t even get a TV entrance.   Does he even have one?  He some what resembles former WWE wrestler Billy Gunn.  This one is a dead giveaway as REY  REY hits the 619 and becomes  victorious!!

Up next, will Ric Flair accept Chris Jericho’s challenge?

Chris Jericho Enters the ring in full ring gear.  As a result of the Nature Boy’s interference last week, Jericho will not return to WrestleMania.  Jericho explains that tonight this will be his WrestleMania, and continues ridiculing Flair. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Ric Flair, styling and profiling as only he can, and not dressed to compete, confronts Jericho , explaining that he is not competing, but that he will always be the man!!  Flair says that he’s got three legendary superstars who will wrestle Jericho, however – Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka , Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, and My personal favorite of the three, “Rowdy” Roddy Piper!!!  The legends head down to the ring, and being out numbered, Jericho quickly bolts!  I suppose this is a WrestleMania essential!

Jericho is interviewed by Todd Grisham.  Jericho  issues a challenge to Snuka, Steamboat, and Piper to a match at WM25, With Ric Flair in their corner.

It’s a 6 man Tag Team Match, as MVP, C.M . Punk, and Kofi Kingston take on Mark Henry, “The Gold Standard” Shelton Benjamin, and Kane.  Guest commentary for this one is provided by ECW Superstars Christian, Hornswoggle, and Finlay.   Christian comments that he is back and better than ever, and in preparation for the Money In The Bank Ladder Match. Meanwhile C.M Punk hits the “Go to Sleep” on The Gold Standard for the victory!

Vickie Guerrero, sporting a referee shirt, is confronted by The Big Show.  Vickie, with mixed emotions in regards to the Big Show and Edge in what appears to be a love triangle.  Big Show insists that he loves Vicki! “And by the way Vickie, you look sexy in that referee shirt”  that she might have gotten at the Exsqueeze me department at the Big Girls shop!

Triple H ignores questions from Todd Grisham about the lowering of the steel cage as he enters his Hummer, in which his wife Stephanie McMahon Helmsley sits passenger and greets him with a kiss!!  (ThinkSoJoE note:  So THAT’S who was in that Hummer that tried to run down Kevin Nash all those years ago on WCW Nitro!)

Interim GM of Raw Vickie Gurrero Enters the ring as the special guest referee for Raws main event. World Heavyweight Champion Edge enters the ring.   The entrance music of John Cena begins as the crowd rises to cheer on the superstar as the  match gets underway , with the special stipulation that if Cena touches Vickie in any way – even by accident – he will lose his spot in the World Heavyweight Championship match at WrestleMania.  Edge, carrying on as the ultimate oppourtunist,  gets the upper hand on Cena.  Eventually, Cena perserveres as he locks Edge in the S. T. F. as Big Show enters the ring.  Big Show and Edge double team Cena.  Big Show drops Cena with a knockout punch, only to be speared by Edge as the show goes off the air.

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