Here we go agin with another doubleshot of ROH TV since last weekend I had a lot going on.

Episode 15:

We begin with highlights of Kevin Steen killing everybody at Final Battle, for some reason I think Steen’s character is what Brodus Clay’s was supposed to be but we got a dancing fool instead.

ROH Intro

Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness hyping the Main even of the evening.

Then to the Embassy LTD. The investor want better competition for Tommaso Ciampa and he want a shot at the ROH Title.

Match 1- TJ Perkins vs. Tommaso Ciampa:  We just heard from Ciampa I wonder what will happen in this match. Perkins dominates early until Prince Nana trips him allowing Ciampa to gain control for the most part the rest of the way.  Perkins does get some offense in but it’s Ciampa who get’s the win here using the Project Ciampa finisher.

Promo for Showdown In The Sun with The House of Truth.

Commercial Break

Back from break and we take a look at Grizzly Redwood who gave us his “he overcame all the odds” story.

Match 2- Grizzly Redwood vs. Devon Storm:  The House Of Truth comes to the ring.  The crowd chants “Willy Wonka” since Truth is dressed like him.  Martini gives Storm 2 choices, 1) $500 and Elgin takes his place in the match or 2)piss Elgin off.  Storm takes the money and we get:

Match 2a- Grizzly Redwood vs. Michael Elgin: Redwood says’s he’s not afraid of Elgin.  Elgin squishes him.  On the bright side we got Martini on commentary for the match. commercial

Commercial Break

Up next we got highlights of Kevin Steen vs Steve Corino from Final Battle.

Then to a Promo from Steen saying that he will be in action next week and everything changes.

Then we go to Jim Cornette who trash talks Steen and that he has a message for him next week that he won’t like.  Probably gonn ban his finisher or something.  (note: I haven’t seen the next episode yet so I don’t actually know, just guessing) commercial

Commercial Break

Inside ROH:

  1. Focuses on the tension between Eddie Edwards and Kyle O’Reilly.  They don’t like each other.
  2. Mike Bennett vs. Jay Lethal next week for the TV title and has no time limit.  Promo from Bennett who is with Maria Kanellis (when did she join ROH???)
  3. Wrestlings Greatest Tag Team is still pissed off at everybody and they want their title rematch. ROH wants them to pay their fine and then they can start from the beginning.
  4. The first match has been announced for the March 4 ROH 10th Anniversary ppv and it’s The Briscoe’s vs. The Young Bucks for the tag team titles.

10th Anniversary ppv promo with the Briscoe’s.

Commercial Break

Match 3- Coleman & Alexander vs. Davey Richards and Kyle O’Reilly-Cornette is on commentary for this one.  All I can say about this match is WOW.  This has to be the best match on ROH TV I have seen to date.  O’Reilly & Richards get the win here with O’Reilly making Alexander tap out.  After the match Eddie Edwards comes and applauds the victors as we fade to black.

Episode 16:

We begin with Highlights of the TV Title match from Final Battle

ROH Intro

Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness hype up the no time limit TV title match tonight.  They also name this month Fighting February.

Mike Bennett Promo- he’s been screwed over of the TV title over and over again and again.

Match 1- TV Title Match Jay Lethal (c) vs. Mike Bennett w/Bob Evans and Maria Kanellis: good match here. Back and forth for 19 minutes. Lethal retains when Maris pushes a knocked out Bennett on top of Lethal only for Lethal to roll Bennett up and get the win.  Maria apologizes.

Interview with Eddie Edwards- He really doesn’t like Kyle O’Reilly.  O’Reilly shows up and gets in Edwards face and challenges Edwards to a match.

2 commercials then Commercial Break

Back from break and we get Kevin Steen highlights from Final Battle, like we haven’t seen enough of them already.

Steen’s big return to TV and it’s an interview with Kevin Kelly.  Steen takes the mic, throws Kelly out of the ring, says he was kept away from ROH because he wouldn’t kiss as.  He then says that if the world does end this year, it will end with him as ROH world champion because he will rip Davey Richards apart.  He says that he is pro wrestling’s biggest nightmare as Jim Cornette comes to the ring.  The two exchange insults before Cornette tells about Summerslam 97 and Owen Hart dropping Steve Austin on his head.  He then goes on to ban all form of the piledriver (didn’t see that one coming).  Steen calls Cornette a hypocrite and is only banning the move to protect Richards. commercial, bring ROH to your town commercial, Commercial Break.

Inside ROH:

  1. The House of Truth are mad at the Briscoe’s because of what happened at the 80 minute 8-man elimination tag match.  The Briscoe’s mush-mouth something that I couldn’t understand and next week the two will face each other where the winner gets $5000.
  2. On Feb 25 Davey Richards will face Jay Lethal.  Richards say’s he will come out on top.
  3. All Night Express update- Rhett Titus says he’ll be back in 2 months instead of the 4 he was told and their coming for the Young Bucks.
  4. Promo’s for the 10th anniversary show and the Showdown In the Sun, all happening in March.

10th Anniversary promo with the Young Bucks, Commercial Break.

Interview with the Young Bucks- They insult Veda Scott and All Night Express.

Match 2- Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team vs. The Bravados:  Haas grabs the mic and refuses to face the Bravados.  They’re still pissed off at hoe they’re being treated.  Benjamin gets on the mic, mocks Baltimore fans and blames the Briscoes, calls the fans stupid for cheering them and demands the Briscoes come out so WGTT can have their rematch.  Cornette comes to the ring and says there’s no time for it.

Commercial Break

Back from break with confusion in the ring. Then the Briscoe’s come out say they’re not scared and start brawling with WGTT which leads to:

Match 2a- Tag Team Title match- Worlds Greatest Tag Team vs. The Briscoes:  This match started at the 54 min mark in the program so we won’t see much here and we didn’t as they pretty much brawled foe about 4 minutes ending with the Briscoes winning by DQ after Benjamin hits one of the with a chair.  We then fade to black.


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