We begin with highlights from the 10th anniversary show.  Adam Cole pinned Davey Richards, they shake hands, all is good in ROH land until Kyle O’Reilly refuses.  He says that he doesn’t respect either Edwards or Cole.  Next we get Kevin Steen who says he doesn’t respect any of them and that h’ll be Davey Richards worst nightmare.

ROH Intro

Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness welcome us.

Adam Cole Promo- he says that the 10th anniversary show was the biggest night of his life, he’s mad at his former parthner, and he will make O’Reilly respect him.

Match 1- Adam Cole vs Chris Silvio-  I wonder who’s winning this one?  My money’s on the guy that pinned Davey Richards.  And that happened though Silvio dominated for most of the match.  The only real offense Cole had was at the end when he kicked Silvio in the head and hit Silvio with his finisher.  Kyle O’Reilly is on commentary during the match who trash talks both Cole and Edwards.  After the match O’Reilly challenges Cole to a match on 3/31 day of “Showdown In The Sun” to earn his respect.  Cole calls O’Reilly a bitch and accepts the match.

ROH Border Wars in on 5/12/12 in the homeland of our very own G, Canada, though it’s in Toronto.

We get highlights of Jimmy Jacobs vs. Kevin Steen from the 10th anniversary- Steen comes out on top and the match looked brutal.

Kevin Kelly interviews Steen-  Steen has a tennis racquet with a picture of Davey Richards on it.  Steen then says that’s what it would look like if Jim Cornette still carried one.  He then goes on to say that being ROH Champion is his destiny and when he is champ, he will hold ROH hostage and make Cornette kiss him all over.  Cornett then comes out, insults Steen and tells him that his opponent on the 3/30 day of “Showdown In The Sun” will be El Generico and that if Steen uses the piledriver, he is suspended.  Steen says that he will gladly take on Generico and he will take Generico out.

Inside ROH:

  • Showdown In The Sun rundown
  • Lance Storm says that he wanted Mike Bennett’s attention and that he is not washed up.  He’s been training longer than Bennett’s been alive.  He want’s to show Bennett some passion and determination.
  • Davey Richards says that he will win both of his matches on Friday and Saturday and that when he does he will truly be ROH Champion.  He will take on all comers and that the only way the he will give up the ROH title is if someone takes it from his cold dead hands.
  • The Briscoe Brothers mush-mouth about Wrestlings Greatest Tag Team, the shit’s gonna hit the fan in Flordia.
  • Wrestlings Greatest Tag Team are gonna bring it and that they are better than the Briscoe’s

The March Mayhem tournament is explained to us:

  • 8 Men put up $1,500 each
  • ROH matches it, bringing the total for the winner is $24,000.
  • 5 matches- The 4 winners wrestle a 4 way match on the weekend broadcast of 4/7/12

Highlights of Jay Lethal vs. Tommaso Ciampa- they wrestled to a draw, Ciampa takes the belt.

Match 2- March Mayhem qualifying match: Roderick Strong w/ Truth Martini vs. Jay Lethal:  Good back and forth match between the two, it really could’ve gone either way until Michael Elgin comes out and tried to help Strong out.  He messes up and whiel Strong and Elgin stare at each other, Lethal steals the win with a rollup pin.  We fade to black.

Thanks for reading and see you all next time.

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