We begin with highlights of the Davey Richards and Kevin Steen confrontation from last week.

ROH Intro

Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness welcome us.  They remind us that tonight is the finals of March Mayhem.

Match 1- The Young Bucks vs. Shiloh Jones & TJ Perkins:  Experienced team vs new tage team with guys who always lose, hmmm?  Perkins and Jones control early, then The Bucks hit some cool double team moves to gain control.  Perkins does some flippy floppy moves.  Jones comes off the top rope to receive a superkick, then the Young Bucks hit “More Bang For Your Buck” finidher for the win.

Border Wars promo with Jay Lethal.

Highlights of Mike Mondo & Matt Tavern feud.  I totally forgot this feud even existed.

Match 2- Mike Mindo vs. Matt Tavern:  Tavern flips Mondo who lands on his ankle injuring it to the point that he has to take off the boot he was wearing. Or so we thought.  Mondo attacks Tavern outside the ring.  Tavern hits a sick powerslam on Mondo.  They continue to brawl outside the ring.  Tavern suplexes Mondo on the entrance ramp.  They actually make it back to the ring where Tavern hits Mondo with a cross body off the top rope.  Tavern then goes for a second cross body but it’s blocked.  Mondo then hits a double arm DDT for the win.  Great match between the two.

Inside ROH- Kevin Steen interrupts a ROH press conference for Border Wars.  Finlay and Rhyno are gonna be there.  Steen interrrupts and demands a match with Davey Richards and gets it.  Richards says he can even bring his piledriver along with him.

Brief promo’s from all for of tonights March Mayhem Finals matchup.

Match3-  March Mayhem Finals:  Adam Cole vs. Jay Lethal vs. Mike Bennett w/Maria & Bob Evans vs. Tommaso Ciampa w/Embassy Ltd.-

This is a elimination match with two men in the ring at one time. Elimination can occur by pinfall, submission, countout, or knockout.

Jay Lethal eliminates Mike Bennett by pin with the Lethal Injection.

Tommaso Ciama eliminates Jay Lethal by pinfall after a knee to the head.

This leaves us with Adam Cole vs Tommaso Ciampa.  After being taken out earlier in the match by Bennett, Cole struggles to get back into the ring and when he does he is attacked by Ciampa who backs COle into a corner and hits no one not two but three knees to the head (the same one that took out Lethal).  After the third knee to the head, Cole stands up and hits Ciampa with a superkick.  The action goes outside the ring as Ciampa hits his kryptonite crunch on Cole but COle doesn’t give up.  Ciampa then goes for a Project Ciampa but COle turns into a sleeper.  Ciampa gets out of it only to be hit in the back of the head by another superkick, this time to the back of the head.  Cole then puts another sleeper on Ciampa this time laying down in the center of the ring.  Ciampa somehow fights out of it.  As Cole goes to the top rope, Lethal comes out presumably after Ciampa, Ciampa runs into the ropes knocking Cole down allowing Ciampa to hit the Project Ciampa for the win by pinfall.  Prince Nana sings “Were Into Money” as we fade to black.



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