We begin with highlights of Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team vs The Briscoe Brothers from Showdown In The Sun.

ROH Intro

Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness welcome us to the program.

Match 1: Proving Ground Match- Coleman & Alexander vs. The Briscoe Bros.-  The Briscoe’s dominate though it isn’t a squash match.  Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team comes out and attacks one of the Briscoe’s causing Coleman & Alexander to get the win.

Veda Scott with  Prince Nana, R.D. Evans and Truth Martini.  Nana sings “We’re into money!” They’ve come together to purchase Rhino.  Rhino says he’s gonna kill Eddie Edwards at Border Wars.

Match 2- Vinny Marsegla vs Rhino w/ Truth Martini-  Before the match, Martini brags about how awesome he is, calla Marselga a funny looking tatooed man and hoped that he kissed his momma goodbye.  Rhino kills Marsegla in about 30 seconds with a gore.

Kevin Kelly and Jim Cornette interview Kevin Steen-  Steen comes out with Jimmy Jacobs.  Steen makes a 1997 reference to Cornette, wants to know why Cornette never returned his calls while he was out claiming “Probably because he was fanticising about Davey Richards matches.”  He makes a fat joke toward Cornette, calls Richards out in which Richards does.  Richards says he’s gonna kick Steen’s head off.  Steen says it’s about more than the title, blames Richards for not helping him get back in ROH.  Richards says Steen’s biggest problem is Steen himself.  Steen calls Richards a hypocrite.  Richards says he will end Steen.  They are about to go at it until Cornette stops it.  He makes the piledriver legal for their match at Border Wars as long as they bot sign a waiver.  After both men sign the waiver, Cornette informs Steen that it will be his only title match.  Steen says he only needs one shot.  Richards says Steen has no shot.

Inside ROH Border Wars Rundown:

  1. Wrestlings Greatest Tag Team vs The Briscoe’s will be the last meeting between the two for the titles.  There must be a winner.
  2. Robot Lance Storm promo-  He’s…..gonna….make….Mike…Bennett….pay…
  3. Jay Lethal promo- He’s pissed that Tomasso Ciampa cost him the TV title and he will become the new dominant male.
  4. Tomasso Ciampa promo-  Lethal’s gonna find out what Project Ciampa is all about.
  5. Eddie Edwards promo-  He’s not scards of Rhino.  He’s gonna show what “Die Hard” is all about.
  6. Finlay will face Roderick Strong for the TV Title at Border Wars
  7. Adam Cole vs Michael Elgin was also added to Border Wars.

Highlights of Roderick Strong vs Jay Lethal for the TV Title.

Match 3-  TV Title Match:  Adam Cole vs. Roderick Strong w/Truth Martini-  Match was back and forth.  Elgin came out.  Strong threw Cole into Elgin twice.  Elgin distracts ref, Martini hits Cole in the back with his book, Strong gets the win.  We fade to black.


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