Quick results for this weeks edition of ROH TV:Match 1- Mark Briscoe def. Colin Delaney

C & C Wrestling Factory want you to have a picture of them on your phone, text people.

Nigel McGuinness  makes Jay Briscoe vs Mark Briscoe official for Best In The World.  Steve Corino bitches about the decision and reminds us that no matter who is champion, they will have to face his chosen one, Matt Hardy.

Veda Scott cuts a promo demanding a match with MSCHIF.

Match 2- Cherry Bomb def MSCHIF with help from Veda Scott.

Roderick Strong cuts a promo saying that Taiji Ishimori is just he competition he was looking for.

Match 3- Taiji Ishimori def. Roderick Strong.

Overall- good show. Till Cock Talk tomorrow, C-ya!

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