Well I guess for the next few weeks ROH will be showing us matches from their live event and DVD’s and here is the first of them:

ROH Intro

Jim Cornette and Kevin Kelly are in the ring and they explain how tonight we will be seeing highlights of their Southern  show in South Carolina. They also explain that we will have 2 proving ground matches tonight.

We get comments from Jay Lethal and T.J. Perkins regarding tonights matchup.

Proving Ground Match 1:  Jay Lethal vs. T.J. Perkins-  Great matchup between the two that almost goes the whole time limit until Lethal hits the Lethal Injection and gets the win.  Both men shake hands after the match and all is well.

Highlight package featuring the sights and sounds ofSouthern Defiance.

At intermission Cornette and Kelly bring us highlights of the Mike Bennett/Adam Cole match that opened the show.  Cole held his own and almost wins the match but Bennett gets the win using the Box Office Smash.

Cornette and Kelly are in the ring with Jack Connors who is the GM of the local Sinclair station in South Carolina.  Didn’t pay much attention here since I don’t live there.

We then get comments from the House of Truth and Wrestlings Greatest Tag Team regarding their Proving Ground Match.

Proving Ground Match 2: The House Of Truth vs. The Worlds Greatest Tag  Team-  This was a good match but it seemed to drag a bit.  WGTT wins here with Benjamin German Suplexing Elgin off the top rope and Haas pinning him for the win.

Cornette and Kelly sign out and let us know that next week’s road rage will be from North Carolina.

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