Friday night suffering time folks!! Plenty of animated gifs, and a couple videos for y’all too? Here we go:

We kick things off with Kane in the ring, and he is cutting another one of these highly produced, live promos. These are fantastically edited, considering they are done live-to-tape. Undertaker woke up briefly and said two words to his brother…. the name of his assailant. Kane tells us it was…

– The man who attacked his brother is…. Rey Mysterio. Hmm… really? Is this a heel turn? Nah… couldn’t be, could it? OR is it something else. Kane has a coffin in the ring with him too. The motive, was that after Rey lost to Taker (pre injury leave), Rey took him out to get into the number one contender spot. Ok, that actually kind of makes a little sense. And Kane plans murdering Rey as he goes into sadistic mode!! Kane will be having a casket match with Mysterio. You know what would be really cool? If they open the casket at Summerslam and the Undertaker is ALREADY in it. What do y’all think? True old school awesomeness would ensue folks…

– That was a great promo, I especially dug the fact they placed a camera inside the casket. Good angle, and it ended to a commercial break with Kane slamming the casket shut from the POV. Well done. Rey Mysterio against a giant… yep, that old shtick. Mysterio is the Underdog again:

Dog Gamn it!

– Drew McIntyre versus Christian. It starts off typically, until Drew gets tossed outside (flies huge) and then eats a drop kick. Then he goes partway under the ring… Christian grabs him to drag him out, but McIntyre pulls him into the side of the ring! Great spot! And, now Drew is firmly in control, working Christian’s injured shoulder. Commercial break, so… FFW. And this:

This is a dog trick.

– When we return, we are treated to an intense back and forth in which we get the “work the injury” psychology on Christian’s shoulder. Drew is selling Christians high octane offense (when he gets them) brilliantly in the match tonight. I’ve got to give credit where credit is due. He’s flying for all of Christians moves!

Yeah, I just thought this was cool… so I superimposed some text over it…

– Christian, of course, is excellent as well. Drew attempts to drop a foot on Christian from the top ropes, only to eat the sole of Christians boot in the face! Shortly after, McIntyre tosses the injured shoulder into the ring post, goes for the pin! NO!! REVERSAL INTO A ROLL UP AS CAPTAIN CHARISMA WINS! Sweet match!

– We then get another vignette from Cody Rhodes about how to be Dashing. This one is about getting a facial (and not the kind that is found online, the mudpack deal. Kind of funny… maybe. Commercials so, I think about maybe going for some drivethrough, but I’m drinking… :

And if I walk, Ronald might attack me with a new form of aggressive marketing.

– So I just grab another cold cold beer. Beer is good, you heard it here first folks!

– Another Alberto Del Rio vignette as well. I like how they cut to the perspective of the audience live watching the big screen, nice touch. He’s getting more cocky and pretentious with each one of these, and hopefully will be drawing the heat he needs when he debuts to put him over. I hear he is pissed about having to demask without ever actually losing it though…

– Backstage we get Punk (who is NOW letting his hair grow in a bit). He’s screaming at SES… He calls Joey Mercury, Joesph. Ha ha… They’ve all let him down, and Punk’s pissed. Mercury points out Show pulled his mask off too, and Punk just rips him a new one. Punk is the reason they are all here… “You’re nothing… without me, you’re nothing!!” If they don’t do something, “they can all pack their bags.”

Punk is ^ this mad.

– Big Show is out. He’s facing Luke Gallows. I’m facing a big hoss match. My recording is facing FFW FTW! I start thinking about the Saturday Morning’s Greatest Hits compilation album from where that Butthole Surfers cover of “Underdog” came from. You know what was also a fucking great song on that album (and also dangerous to throw on while driving)? “Speed Racer” by Sponge… here it is:

Fuck yeah.

– Gallows does have the SES at he side of the ring to start… Show just dominates. I guess slaps to the chest are not banned outright (rumor had it WWE doesn’t like the crowd chanting Flair’s “WOO” these days)… but Show gets one obviously planned one in… then we go to DQ as the SES gang up on Show outside the ring utilizing the steel steps and corner to hold him down as Serena and Punk stomp on his hand. Broken hand angle I guess… meh, at least it was better than I expected.

I am. Oh, how I truly am…

– We return from break to have Kofi Kingston facing Dolph Ziggler. The crowd is DEAD. You know, I don’t think they’re getting a fair shake, but this whole Vickie angle is killing all of us. End it. End it now, WWE. Kofi hits a sick looking move (think modified “Code Breaker” by Jericho, but to the face) and Dolph bounces high and hard! They give a lot of time to this, but it feels a wee bit forced. Whatever, commercial time (hence potential for this thing to blow up after the ads).

Interwebs… ahh, the interwebs…

– Through out the break, Dolph Ziggler had Kofi in an attempt at a sleeper hold… glad we missed that rest hold experience… Dolph realizes the cameras are on again and tosses a couple of neck breakers Kofi’s way. Kofi is clearly drained, so we can expect bursts of energy spots as Dolph dominates… It gets really awesome as Kofi goes berserk near the end and wrecks carnage on the announcer booth with Dolph’s prone body. Vickie looks uber concerned, and the ref’s have to pull off an enraged Kofi off Ziggy… “We are seeing a dark side of the Intercontinental Champion,” Striker tells us. Dolph wins via DQ, and will face the Ghanaian next week for the IC title…

This one made me giggle my ass off… awesome…

– A crap load of replays, and PPV shills… Jack Swagger is interviewed and he basically tells us he wants to throw Rey a bunch… break his legs and then toss him in the BP infested oil spill waters of the ocean. Good times!

– God help us… Diva belt match, who cares? Not me… I’d rather watch Andre in a “Drown in a Bucket” match personally…


– That was a very popular way to wash one’s hair in the Medieval period in Europe. You see, there were not many giants, nor many who were into personal hi-gene services. Actually, there was just one… this guy Jermaine. He was an ancestor of the late, great Andre the Giant… and obviously that was a bunch of bullshit. Sort of like this Diva’s match. McCool versus Tiffany with Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly… Vickie interrupts to tell us, that with her power she has made McCool the one to defend the SINGLES title (total abortion of the “Freebirds Rule”)… IT’S A SINGLES TITLE, SPEAKING OF BULLSHIT…. WWE end this now. I am, via FFW.

– McRibs successfully defends her “title.” Teddy Long comes up on the trinatron post match. FUCK YEAH, Long tells them they have to decide which ONE of them continues to hold the title. Decide by next week, or Long will decide for them. This bullshit ends next week… I find it odd that happened right after the rant on bullshit… nice coincidence, me thinks.

– Another Del Rio segment. He tells us fans that we are “mentally constipated.” Not him though, he “achieves everything I set my mind to.” Yep, more heelish each and every time. I can’t remember the last time the WWE/WWF had THIS many promos for an incoming guy with such variation…

Whacking Day animated gif found during FFW’d commercials ^

– Swagger versus Mysterio in a no DQ bout. The first half of the match is ok, at best. I have little to say about it. After the station’s bills get paid, we return to the second part of this match. We return to a reversed suplex from the top ropes, and a failed follow up by Mysterio… they take things to the outside of the ring… some brawling, Swagger takes Mysterio up to the mainfloor entry, Rey gets out of it and does land a stiff standing kick to a prone Swagger’s head in a nice spot! However, it’s not enough as Swagger drags Rey backstage and tosses him into walls, the floor, the merch table… elevator opens behind them as a bunch of fans coming out are blocked by security (whoops, suspension of disbelief ruined!!!!). Outside they go, Swagger tosses Rey onto a security fence… they go to the middle of the street… and Swagger has to toss Rey aside as he dodges a car! “I’m walking here!” yells Swagger! Ha ha ha!!! Swagger is legit trying to toss him into the ocean! They appear to be now fighting on concrete docks and Swagger takes some gross looking falls onto it! After super stiff kicks by Mysterio, and punches by Swagger, Jack carries Rey to the ocean but Rey scissor kicks Jack in!!! As Jack screams that he can’t swim… Rey fucking turns his back! Attempted murder? Kane then comes out of nowhere and chokeslams Rey into the ocean as well!!

The ending was GREAT, and overall it was a pretty damn watchable Smackdown tonight.

– WWE logo comes up, and I’m out…


Shameless Plugs!


Bored Wrestling Fan

Project Wonderboy

Morphine Nation

LarG Productions

My brother in arms, ThinkSoJoE kicks ass and takes names with the band ThinkSoBrain:


Creepy shit…

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